I left when I was about 16 and I am 36 now. I am still fabulously f-ed up and require weekly therapy. Don't underestimate the psychological number this high control religion does to you.
There will be a LOT of repressed anger which can manifest as rage (like when you said you want to yell). Every Ex-JW I know has life-long doomsday anxiety..in me it manifested in owning guns to make myself feel safe, in others I know it has manifested in hoarding of canned food, bottled water survivalist-style..others invest in Gold since they are convinced of the end of the traditional money supply.
You also have PTSD, which is why you feel that dread when faced with the literature or want to cry when thinking about going into a KH.
Others have life-long blood anxiety, and refuse to accept blood even though it is perfectly safe, having a bit of paranoia about it.
So my biggest bit of advice is seek professional mental help. If your health insurance or school offers the service, go in and talk to a therapist. It is immensely helpful.
As for lingering doubt about God, I highly recommend the book "The Uncensored Bible", it will show you via humor how badly the Bible has been translated over the centuries and how much we don't know about the intent of the authors.