Hello, everyone! I posted on a thread a while back about my opening line and it seemed a fair share of people were interested in it. Well, guess what? It actually exists now as a short story on Amazon. Woo hoo! Here's the opening line:
> Katzia of Clovenhoof always wanted to ride a unicorn, but life’s cruel twist had her following a trail of one’s guts instead.
Yes, this is a unicorn story. And yes, it is dark...sort of.
This story, "The Unicorn-Eater," is the first of my Splatter Elf (yes, that's the universe name) tales. I describe Splatter Elf as a blend of over-the-top action, dark fantasy, dark comedy, and the weirdly absurd.
My first review said:
> It revels in its own ridiculous, over the top vulgarity. It's not cruel or vile, it's goofy and gory and gut-punchingly great. If you've got a sense of humour about unicorns having their entrails pulled out, then this is the book for you!
I do, in fact, have a sense of humor about unicorn guts.
"The Unicorn-Eater" features bounty hunters, unicorns, weird monsters, tentacles, and loads of blood. Perhaps more in the vein of South Park and Mortal Kombat than Tolkien. If you're interested, here's a link to the various Splatter Elf-y places across the interwebs.
Philip Overby's Fantasy Free-For-All (Website)
And finally,the dreaded, or beloved, depending on how you look at it, Amazon link: www.amazon.com/Unicorn-Eater-Weird-Tale-Splatter-Elf-ebook/dp/B00XJZPLVG/
I'm actually gifting about 7 more free copies as of now, so if you're interested in a free copy, PM me and I'll send you one via email from Amazon.
Hello fantastic folks! My three stories in the Splatter Elf series are currently FREE until August 31st. But what in the maroon hell is Splatter Elf? It's kind of grim. It's kind of dark. It's weird. It has unicorns getting eaten by eldritch creatures. It's got robots...sort of. Brain-eating imps. Tons of magical swords. Monster hunters...loads of monster hunters. It takes fantasy, amps it to 11, adds in a sprig of Dungeons and Dragons and a dash of Deadpool-ish humor.
OK, I've said enough. Here's what other wonderful people have said:
About "The Unicorn-Eater"
“It revels in its own ridiculous, over the top vulgarity. It’s not cruel or vile, it’s goofy and gory and gut-punchingly great.”
“He has single handedly redefined my notion of Fantasy. I read it last night (stayed up until 1 Am to finish) and am now actively looking for people to share it with. I suggest you do the same.”
About "River of Blades"
“I was instantly drawn into Katzia’s world and remained hooked by the steady string of humorous dialogue and imaginative names for gods, swords, spells and monsters.”
"The humor felt natural and effortless, never forced. While reading it I found myself grinning like a fool and literally laughing out loud.”
About "The Bog Wyvern"
“Don’t miss out on these dark comic tales. if you played D&D with a group of guys and a bunch of beer, you will relate to this big time.”
“Philip’s work is a bouillon cube to the soup of life. His raw dialogue bleeds real world charm upon pages chocked-full of avant-garde fantasy. ”
WARNING: They do have naughty language, lots of blood, and don't take themselves too seriously.
If you want to see a goblin named Grim Gozzoth do a reading from them, you can check here at Scrolls of Flayed Flesh Thanks! Splatter Elf lives!