If you’re not enjoying it. If you don’t feel like you can say no. If you don’t feel like you can have an honest open discussion with your partner then it’s not BDSM/kink it’s abuse. Abuse comes in many forms. Verbal / emotional is the hardest one to pinpoint but it’s definitely something that you need to look into. Book on verbal abuse
My grandma got me this book and I’ve gifted it to a friend. You need to read it because your fiancée is verbally abusing you. It’s really damn hard to see from the inside. The verbally abusive relationship by Patricia Evans https://www.amazon.com/Verbally-Abusive-Relationship-Expanded-Third/dp/B07BTN11NW/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=verbal+abuse&qid=1631875245&sr=8-3
You have worth and no one, no matter what issues they themselves have, should be allowed to make you feel worthless. Please have your fiancée move home and take time to care for yourself. NTA