We're joined by John Dolan aka The War Nerd to learn why war is not about weapons or strategy, but people. We get a brief history of the Syrian conflict to date, discuss the use of chemical weapons, recent US airstrikes and another short history lesson on Hezbollah. We then ask the War Nerd to War Game out a possible US Civil War and close with a reading from Dolan's new translation of The Iliad, arguably the greatest war of all time. Buy The War Nerd Illiad :
We catch up on the increasingly bizarre & sinister intricacies of the Epstein case. Then, John Dolan a.k.a. The War Nerd returns to discuss the realities of potential armed conflict in Venezuela and Iran.
Pleasant Hell Audiobook: https://johndolan1.selz.com/
"The War Nerd Iliad": https://www.amazon.com/War-Nerd-Iliad-John-Dolan/dp/1627310509
Radio War Nerd live at the Bell House on Aug. 12th: https://www.thebellhouseny.com/e/radio-war-nerd-invades-brooklyn-64685232271/
u/DickMasterson will like this version of the illiad https://www.amazon.com/War-Nerd-Iliad-John-Dolan/dp/1627310509