Listen, /u/Warlizard... you and I have been through a fair amount over the years. We've had some compelling conversations, shared some secrets, and even discussed a collaboration which both of us failed to give any serious consideration. In a very real way, I think of us as the Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel of the site, and not just because of that one time when some guy wrote a weird novella about the two of us tangoing with /u/vargas.
The thing is, despite all we've been through, you've been more than a little bit cold when it comes to one particular topic... and so here, on the anniversary of your most notorious claim to fame – more well-known even than your oeuvre of excellent literature, your many creative accomplishments, or your utterly unflappable sense of ironic wit – I've decided to publicly clear the air as I ask you the same question that I've been approaching you with for the better part of four years:
Can I have some of your french fries?
You just can't get over it can you? Here try reading this book it will make you feel better about your life.
yup, this was the book. I need to dig through my closet and give that a read.
Well there's a reason he does it:
It's all about the $$$
Anyone who hasn't read it, do so. Dude's fucking crazy.
Hello, yes, I am! Have you ordered my book yet?
Haha, I have a few of those stories in my collection, but too much of it is stuff I would never publish. lol Good for you.