I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist, so I can't comment as to whether medication would benefit you - but you don't think it will, so that's a strong indication that it's not a good approach at this time.
However, I do think you should seek grief counseling in order to learn to engage and heal the emotional trauma. The root event (or set of events) described in your OP is your parents' divorce. That is a serious loss event in your life, and every indication from your OP and responses indicates, to me - again, not a professional counselor - that you've got significant grief to work through as a consequence of that loss. I strongly suspect that the career issues and seduction event would have played less strongly in your mind were your emotional well-being intact when those things happened.
Grief counseling might be found in group meetings or with a licensed mental health professional. Look for folks/groups who specialize in dealing with the aftermath of parental divorce.
Here are some books that may be helpful:
A grief counselor would have better recommendations - my recommendation is you find grief counseling.