So I'm a nerd, so I actually went into all the court pleadings that were stored by the Trustee who was appointed to recover money for those he, and those who enabled him, ripped off. It's an interesting sight to peruse (go to the Court Filings tabs):
I also read The Wizard of Lies which is probably the most comprehensive book on the topic.
Want to be really mad? There was a guy named Harry Markopolos who TWICE reported Madoff to the SEC based on his research that showed there was no way he could be making the money he was reporting based on the strategy he disclosed. Basically the market wasn't big enough to handle all the trades Madoff said he was doing. The SEC either appointed junior agents who were duped by Madoff or they just ignored his research. It was maddening. Here's an article on it:L.
Anyway -- it's a deep rabbit hole, but one that showed how many people propped Madoff up bc he was making them money the whole time.
Try this book:
I have it on audible and I think it's pretty good.