It's late 19th century erotica in the guise of a handbook for young girls. So I guess it's both at the same time.
This I believe is a 2010 translation which is the most widely available.
There's also a 1971 translation A Handbook of Good Manners for Little Girls; Especially Recommended For Use In Schools, which has been out of print for a long time and that's probably why it's so expensive.
Seeing as there are only two left in stock, quite a few I imagine!
Then how come you can purchase it?
Here you go The Young Girl's Handbook of Good Manners for Use in Educational Establishments (Wakefield Handbooks)
here ya go. Seems to be a 19th century tutorial book.
Now I'm intrigued. I supposed that "cum" was not used in the modern sense in the late 19th c. However, it would seem that the book in question is "The Young Girl's Handbook of Good Manners for Use in Educational Establishments" by Pierre Louys. I'm not up for paying 9€ for it, and I would only be interested in the lewd stuff anyway, lol.
Etymonline claims that "come" as a synonym for ejaculation/ejaculate was in use as early as 1650. Wow! These words have a way of appearing way earlier than I tend to think.
I don't expect a book from the 1890s to reflect modern feminist and equalitarian mores. Yes, those people had different ideas than we do. Yes, with hindsight we find they were wrong. Anyone can find hundreds of books from that time period, that would make us all cringe.
Maybe it's because I read a lot of 19th century literature, so I know what to expect, to me it's just no big "gasp" "jeez" "holy moley" moment.
All that said, I find the idea of using indirect language for sex, and high politeness in the bedroom extremely intriguing, and kind of a lost art. I think it adds class and refined sensuousness. The shame-fueled way that victorians talked about sex has a strange allure.*Version*=1&*entries*=0
£4.20 for used and £4.24 for new
I found it on Amazon, is this what you meant? :)