There four steps you should take. 1. Look at her with intense intriguing eye contact. 2.Repeat it, so she can know its not an accident. 3. Then match straight to her and do this. 4. Tell her, i saw you looking at me, i think you were trying to hit on me, huh? let me go report you to the principle. I guarantee you, she will be finished, there you can continue building the tension within her, tease her like your little sis, blame her for trying to seduce you. If she doesn't ask for your number or where you come from, then she wont be a girl. For more get this book, will make you a pro....
Build sexual tension within her. Dont seduce but anti-seduce. Most guys want to show that they like a girl, dont on the other hand just tease her like your sis. And kip reminding her to not spoil you, else you report her to your mum. She will melt due to sexual tension. when she smiles, tell her: You doing that just to mislead me, build the tension. For more get this book, you will become a pro..
One thing to know about ladies, put the social rules aside. Whether you black, or dark or green or yellow or red they dont care. For as along as you can be an alpha, women dont get attracted to guys rationally but emotionally. You get it right! Nope you dont, what that means is she can fall in love with the exact type of guy she logically dislikes. Because love is emotional not logical. cool tip: Just be confident of yourself, the reason those girls will reject you isnt because the dislike your race but because you have that belief system that they dislike your race therefore you carry this self-image wherever you go and they pickup on it, then give you exactly what you believe. Just change your belief system. If you interested in being an alpha get this book, might be the best investment in your life ever.
One thing you should appreciate is the fact that seduction is a process, never make things for fast or so slow and there is no thing sentence to use to make her fall for you. It basically has 3 main stages. 1.Attraction( this is the playful funny stage.) where you make a woman curious about you. 2. The Rapport stage where you create a friendly bond with a woman. 3. the seduction stage where you get don to business and make things sexual. I really cant explain in details what to do in each of the stages of interaction with a woman. If you want details, you may get this book
Just relax, life itself is a game, you have to master the rules if you to win, sometimes you lose sometimes you win. Loss or win, remain yourself,and enjoy the show, we here for limited time so gather more experiences. For more princess to up your game go for this
I understand your situation, because i have been in your shoes, yes you can work out, you can wear nice clothes, you can hope to get rich and yes even get alot of money and yet it changes nothing about your low self-esteem. Here is the thing, you should change your belief system from thinking you're unworthy, to be worthy, to being valuable, loved, and heck feeling that you the best version of yourself. be so thankful to God for making you as you are, and keeping you alive. If yo so serious about this then email me at , i will give you the fastest NLP technique to help you change your belief over night. There is even this
Whether you go cold or warm, if you do things that get you friend zoned, trust me you will be locked up right there. Here is the thing, you get friend zoned for mostly skipping the stage of attraction with a woman and trying to go straight to rapport with her. You act like you want to be her friend when you haven't build enough curiosity with in her for her to develop affection for you. To get this in details, you might have to go for this book
i dont know whether you sip your advice from pUAs, which forces you to just cram things. But i think seduction isnt a one step thing, it is a process. This is another thing that PUA skip completely. You start with attraction-the playful attitude stage where you make a woman curious about you. Then you go to Rapport where you build an emotional bond between you and her usually by opening up sharing honest stories with her and things about yourself, to make her trust you. Then you go to seduction stage, this is where you get sexual and not before, you can touch her sexually, talk to her sexually. If you know that process, then there is no way of getting stuck. In case you want the details get this
Here is the thing to do, Always look up. I mean, your head should be high, but when you get rejected keep it even higher, why? Never look down,this shows shyness,low confidence and you access your emotions when you look down, you feel more sorry and bad. When you look up, you access your power, and logical mind. But if you want to not get rejected go for this
This is normal, it happens often when you go to a new place. But one thing you should know is that its all mental, change set your mind for success in your new place and you will get the same results or even better. For more techniques on how to win women go for this
I dont give a bucket of crisps about their culture country or race and heck not even about their status. what am gonna give you here is a killer approach technique that will definately reverse the game and make women chase after your, thats right, you ready? Its called the tease technique, what you do is reverse the game and make it seem as though a girl was trying to seduce you. here is an example, just reach out to a girl and tell her. You: so, do you really think this is, a coincidence, i doubt(here you create intrigue in her, she has to reply) her: what are you talking about?( i love this, now she is the one inquiring) You: you staged right here to intentionally make me flirt with you, how tricky(you reverse the game make it seem as though it was her move and these things make women melt-just try me here). Her: no, no thats not true. You hahaha, ofcourse you have to pretend, you good at it think you must be an actor of sort, anyway i just sensed this thing in you. Her: whats that? You: you just too deceptive, you look really humble on surface but actually crazy inside, failed to figure out this equation. Her:hahaha, am cool. You get the thing, just tease her like your little sis, you appear so confident and interesting to women when you use the tease technique. For details and if you really want to take your game to the next level, then get this book, you will be amazed.
I will say was in your position before, and trust me there is stuff that works. There are proven systems that work, dont use tricks use systems. making a woman fall in love with you is a process that takes 3 main steps. 1. Attraction, this is playful bantering mentality which should happen right when you meet with a woman. 2, Rapport, this is where you develop rapport with a woman, skip this and she wont open legs for you, cause she wont trust you. 3, Seduction, this is where you go right for her and make sexual moves, touch her and do anything with her. If you want a detailed system get this book.
First of all thanks bro for where you have reached, life is not fair if you dont change your mindset, nothing will change for you. I like the fact that you have the balls to go approach women, i dont give a shit whether they say yes or no but that shows you have got some balls. However i want to break down this thing for you in details, for its a process. 1. Attraction, this is the first stage of interaction, this is where you in the playful attitude with a woman, develop immense curiosity in her. 2. Rapport, this is where you develop friendly and trustful bond with a woman. 3. After developing rapport, you should be able to go right down to business and get sexual with a woman, touch her sexually, basically here you can di anything with her. Now skipping any of those stages can cause issues for you for instance skipping attraction and hopping to rapport can get you friend zoned. Skipping rapport and going to seduction also has issues, a woman wont trust you will see you as a player, or some gamer. And also staying too much in rapport stage without making sexual move can take you straight to friend zone. therefore next time you dealing with a woman , know that its a process and use every stage appropriately. For details on this process, you can get this book
Boss, dont get twisted its not complementing women that they are sexy that stops you from being friend zoned. There are actually 2 main reasons why you get friend zoned. 1. Skipping the stage of attraction(playfulness) and going straight to rapport(friendly, trustful attitude) a typical way is meeting a girl and asking her,Do you come here often? 2. Not touching her enough. You have to touch a woman, whenever you talking to her, this sends sensual message to her brain and she starts associating you with lover. It doesn't have to be sexual touches, just normal slight touches, on hands, on shoulder, on her neck, sometimes you can tap on her thighs with your leg as you build the tension. If you want a detailed guide on these things you might have to get this
Also, it seems like this is when i go for this book * The girl won't be what you want but to be honest with themselves and each other.
I understand your situation, you see in life, its always better to address the cause rather than massaging the symptoms. As for example, the reason why you shy around girls is because, you feel unconfident about yourself, confidence by the way is a very broad topic, and most people teach the wrong part of it. For example, someone might recommend you revise your fashion and scoop yourself some fancy clothes but that's all, on the surface. The truth of the matter is confidence comes form within, its a mental state and once you in that state, you do things which make you appear confident. One crucial element of confident men in dominant body language. If you you confident, you will exhibit positive body language and if you put on positive body language, then you appear confident. The two loop into one another, now for details on how to cultivate a confident state of mind, you might want to get this book.
wow, congs first of all. i will give you the exact steps. the fastest way to get a woman to bed is touch, nothing can replace that, i want you to know, however you should go right about it, its easy to rush things and screw it up. follow these steps. 1.Touch her non-sexaually, like on her hands, her neck. 2. Ensure you start by slight touches for about 2-3 seconds. 3. she will be feeling you. 4 Then go to what i call lingering touch, this takes 3-5 seconds, touch any of those non sexaul parts. 5 After that, go to lingering touch, this takes 5 seconds and more. NB. Ensure your touches rhyme with words, what i mean is dont touch a woman when you silent, it raises guards, you can break any rule but not this. Then start slightly taping on her thighs, just to emphasize what you saying. Do it again, if she is okay, then you can leave your hand there and continue to tell her things when you touching her. why do you have to do it that way? Here is the answer, whenever you touching a woman, you want to kind of distract her conscious mind with words such that she doesn't interrupt, that way its her subconscious mind that gets to feel you. Of course if you continue to touch her like that, you will see her melting, and getting wild, then you can go deeper between her thighs with your hands. But as i said dont rush things, go step by step and dont touch her unless you saying something to distract her,you cant do that and she survives. For more details on such things, get this book that made me a pro.
Gentleman, understand your position, for i have been in it before. I also thought life was about chasing for materialistic things, and learning skills all the time and wasnt socializing, it was a big weakness. But listen me, if you want something to spur up your life and excite it then, it should women, i will show you how to make women chase after you. trust me, you cannot become a rock star, having girls screaming your name and still worry about depression. Indeed your problem is big which cannot solved by few paragraphs. But if you really interested in making your life better, then get this book that helped me get hot sexy girls chase after me, this is advanced seduction techniques.
There is nothing you blew, your move was just weak or underrated but not necessarily wrong,however you now want to make it wrong. The problem in life isn't the first mistake but following a mistake with another. you now acting like you did something wrong, projecting all the guilt in your face trying to act like you want to make it up to her. Thats wrong, just be yourself, and act like there is nothing wrong. Imagine you the type of guy who doenst rush things with girls, would you regret for what you did. The answer is nope. So just feel okay and act normal to her, dont try to act like you guilty and therefore have to fix things, everything will be alright, she will get back. For more techniques get this book
Gentleman, understand your position, for i have been in it before. I also thought life was about chasing for materialistic things, and learning skills all the time and wasnt socializing, it was a big weakness. But listen me, if you want something to spur up your life and excite it then, it should women, i will show you how to make women chase after you. trust me, you cannot become a rock star, having girls screaming your name and still worry about depression. Indeed your problem is big which cannot solved by few paragraphs. But if you really interested in making your life better, then get this book that helped me get hot sexy girls chase after me, this is advanced seduction techniques.
There is nothing you blew, your move was just weak or underrated but not necessarily wrong,however you now want to make it wrong. The problem in life isn't the first mistake but following a mistake with another. you now acting like you did something wrong, projecting all the guilt in your face trying to act like you want to make it up to her. Thats wrong, just be yourself, and act like there is nothing wrong. Imagine you the type of guy who doenst rush things with girls, would you regret for what you did. The answer is nope. So just feel okay and act normal to her, dont try to act like you guilty and therefore have to fix things, everything will be alright, she will get back. For more techniques get this book
man thanks for realizing. Anyway i get your problem. Here is one thing you need to know. women are wired defferently from men. For men, we so logical in our approaches, when we see a hot sexy girl. she immediately makes us horny, we fall in for her already. big picture: we so logical, the more hot the more feelings, and thats it. when it comes to women though, they are wired differently, they are more emotional. thats why a man who wins a woman's heart isnt the most handsome, or rich or strong but the one who sweeps her emotions. Women are so emotional, and when you want to make her fall for you, then you should be able to tickle her emotions. To them, there is no big point in sitting tight there next to here and looking so cool or handsome, i mean it doesnt add up to any value. becuause they want a person to make them experience emotions thats the guy they can want to be with. Luckily, it makes it even easier to del with women. I actually believe people who have hard time are the gay guys, because men are logical and will always be. anyway back to our point, ensure that you flirt with girls, create sexual tension. Put them in an emotional rollcoaster and boom! before you know, they will addicted to you. This topic, has a lot of details to it, i cant round it up within a few paragraphs. but man! i suppose you want to enjoy your life, at your age you should have funful girls sparking off your life. if you really serious about your issue then get this book
Gentle man, i have been in high school and i understand all that. But here is one thing you need to know about girls, they dont choose whom to love or like or get attracted to basing on logical grounds, it all happens emotionally. Therefore whether you even shitted in that class, or you are a maggot,for as long as you can be able to trigger a woman's emotions then she will definitely feel attracted to you not(think she is). Just start by flirting with her, normally tease her. Do this, use eye contact on her, then match straight to her and say this. you: i saw you eyeing me, misleadingly were you trying to hit on me. Her: No, that's not true(here is where i love the game) You: i saw your moves, let me go report you to principal before you spoil me. Her:hahahaha, what do you mean. You: or i think should report you to police or at least my mum, cause i dont tolerate young girls trying to seduce me. WHat all that does is reverses the game and a woman seduces herself, kind of you becoming the anti-seducer and her the seducer. Life is a game man, enjoy it. Always tease women, nothing turns them on like that For details, you might consider getting this book.