I have one of these and use it almost daily.
Thermacell E-Series Rechargeable Mosquito Repeller with 20' Mosquito Protection Zone; 5.5-Hr+ Battery Life; Includes 12-Hr Refill; No Flame or Scent; DEET-Free Bug Spray Alternative https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PDNCMMN/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_8FFV9H3YDY2F7Y9WDZ1R
Bug zappers are worthless against mosquitoes, all they do is attract other innocent bugs that are attracted to the bright light and zap them... mosquitoes are attracted by CO2, not light.
The Thermacell (https://www.amazon.com/Thermacell-Rechargeable-Mosquito-Effective-Repellent/dp/B08PDNCMMN/ref=sr_1_2?crid=10J0QDAACRDZG&dchild=1&keywords=thermacell&qid=1631109182&sprefix=thermac%2Caps%2C761&sr=8-2) is really the only device proven to actually do something, it creates kind of a cloud in your area to keep them at bay. Also as someone else said fans work wonders as well.
I bought one of these and it works pretty well in my back yard. (I don't live near a swamp or anything)
It's basically a small heating element that throws off a chemical repellant. The trick is that you need to let it sit and do its thing for 15 minutes or so before it really helps much. The refills aren't super-cheap (they last like 4-6 hours total I think), but if you need something small, cheap, portable, and not greasy, it's a decent option.
This one came recommended by Wirecutter (NYT's review service) and I have found it be helpful:
Native Texan here, we got this mosquito repeller and it is the best thing in the world: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08PDNCMMN/
Ok losers I have to keep packing but I wanted to leave you with a couple more. Dude just brought me back a case and a little bit of blow so the evening stretches forward in bright happy colors!
These stupid thermacell mosquito things work but you really have to plug them in and buy the 40 hr refills. Mosquitoes don’t bother me but they eat him up and this thing enabled me to smoke a bowl outside in the garden where I belong.
These stupid battery powered votives last three months on the shortest timer setting of four hours. They take bigger batteries so you only have to replace them every three months. It’s the one dumb thing I buy lots of because all my friends are cool witchy candle chicks but too drunk or stoned to not burn down their section 8 apartments.
You only want the amber yellow ones without the remote. They go on for either four or eight hours and are off for 16. Or 20. You set them and forget them. Lol.
I also have plant tips and shortcuts and shit and also I am quite accomplished at growing bud from seed indoors but that, my friends, are threads for other days.
Love ya. Stay frosty xx
These things work great Thermacell E55 Rechargeable Mosquito Repeller, Highly Effective Rechargeable Mosquito Repellent https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08PDNCMMN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_3Q6NDK2VNWJB0Z3XQJ2S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1