My teacher literally wrote the textbook
It was an earlier version when I took the class. I remember Professor Granet very well, he had these weird little personality quirks. About halfway through the semester he got a new car, a Subaru SVX, and it had these weird double windows. He claimed you drive down the road and open the little window when it was raining and the water wouldn’t come in. The shape created these vortices of positive pressure that kept the rain from coming in.
When we took the final, he said we were allowed to use our notes and the textbook. He said if we didn’t already know how to answer the problem, the textbook wasn’t going to help us. It was by far the hardest class I ever took.
I don’t know who would lie about taking thermodynamics, it’s not a fun class, and the average person isn’t even aware there is a class or how insanely difficult it is.