>You took my sarcasm about the cold weather games literally,
The same sarcasm you used in another comment to try proving a terrible point? Lol.
>stating the true fact that your team has twice been caught cheating. That says plenty about your intelligence and capacity for reasonable discussion.
Well when the nobel prize winner for chemistry in 2003 agrees with my conclusion
One of many professors and schools nationwide agrees with my conclusion
Khan academy agrees with my conclusion
physical demonstrations and experiments agree with my conclusion
My own engineering education agrees with my conclusion.
Why the hell would I let some idiot in Florida, who doesn't even know what cold weather is, tell me what the "true facts" are? You didn't even know that the colts balls were under 12.5psi, the nfl admitted they didn't know what the ideal gas law was, or that Brady wasnt even suspended for the alleged deflated balls....
Here, maybe your parents can buy this for you
On a side note; how about you explain to me how diesel engines (aka compression ignition engines) operate. I mean, since you're so quick to dismiss the relevance of the ideal gas law, I'd love to know how you think these types of engines even work.