You can see if she’s interested in Preggie Pop Drops. They’re available on Amazon and I know Walmart has them. Also ginger - but not in high doses. I hope she gets better during her second trimester! Congratulations! Amazon Pop Drop
Mine is unpredictable, but so far a constant stream of water and saltines, punctuated by smoothies, pineapple, quinoa and kale have helped. preggie pops are a LIFESAVER (despite the awful name), if it gets worse i have an order of seabands on deck.
These Preggo Drops have been a life savor for me. I also got the sour ones which include extra B12. I cannot stand ginger so I ordered the 4 pack of them cause I eat them daily!
Preggie Pop Drops were a godsend when I was pregnant with my kiddo! Target carries them.
I hope you have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery! 💕
Edit: I missed the fact that you aren’t in the US! Amazon has them here: hope this helps and is allowed to post. If not please remove
if you order these on amazon maybe they can get to you ASAP via prime. i ordered these for a friend and she said they worked.
or maybe they have them at like babys r us.
these helped me a bit. Also, peppermint lifesavers. Ultimately, my doctor gave me a prescription for diclegis. This may just be an old wives' tale but I always heard that tough morning sickness was a sign that the pregnancy was going to stick. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys.
My wife took Diclegis and it seemed to help, at least at first. She ended up only needing it once or twice, but her OB suggested taking it up to 4 times if needed. I'd recommend your wife talk to her OB about that and other alternatives. Mine also took Tums daily, and regularly drank ginger ale (make sure it has real ginger) and used preggy pop drops.
In Canada they're available all over. I think I got them at babies r us. It looks like Amazon has them to:
Here are my recommendations as a pregnant woman (might be a bit eclectic, but this is what worked for me when I had constant nausea):
Good luck!
Here's some stuff that made my life a million times easier!
- These Preggie Pop Drops helped me with morning sickness
- A bunch of N95 masks! COVID sucks normally, getting it while pregnant was torture.
- This Knee Pillow helps with leg pain and cramps
- Nipple Balm can help relieve itchy nipples as everything gets bigger
- These Maternity Bras to help provide extra support without hurting my back
- Belly Bands help extend the use of non-maternity pants without having to button them!
- Belly Butter to help prevent stretch marks and peeling skin
- TUMS to help relieve gas and heartburn
Here's some stuff that made my life a million times easier! I think I might have seen them at target too!
a friend tipped me off to these the day i had my positive pregnancy test and i unabashedly have them in my mouth for most of the day. i was surprised just how much they help!!
of course i still feel like death, but slightly less death (ha!)
I love these things... no pregnancy required. Lol
I guess I spelled it wrong 😊 They’re sour drops made for morning sickness! Also at Target
I'm in the UK, but just searched amazon, is it these?
Not sure if there are popsicles but I think these are the Peggie Pops most people are referring to.
This was the brand I personally had but I also used Wint o'green Lifesavers too
I had pretty bad nausea during my first trimester, one of my friends bought me preggie pops. They come in all flavors and they really do help! I'm not sure where she got them. Babies R Us maybe? Also you can get them on amazon
These helped me a lot during both my pregnancies. Good luck with everything!