> streamlight protac HL 4
Just get her a $12 convoy with an orange peel reflector. Or something like a Thrunite TC12 with a charging port and save $20
Thanks to my idiot cat whom hid in a box for several hours when I have never seen her in that box ever before, I got to try out a nice flashlight that normally sits in my car. I went outside and looked for her and this tiny thing throws a lot of light.
I've gotten partially into it. I understand some of the things they talk about. I ended up getting this flashlight about a year ago and it actually is a really damn nice flashlight. I keep it in my car, but don't have to use it that often.
Oh, I see. There's a phenomenon where when a product, or version of a product is discontinued and stock is low, the price goes up on Amazon. Don't hold me to it if I'm wrong, but I think the only difference with V2 is the UI:
I would recommend V2 in neutral white unless you know with certainty that he would prefer cool.
thrunite flashlight - 1000 lumens strobe at night in your face will buy you enough time to run, also this thing is so sturdy it can be used as a mini baton (you can seriously bash with this thing)... and I dont think having a flashlight on hand during a run is forbidden, right?
> Damn you know a lot.
Thanks! I spend ~~every waking hour~~ a lot of time here.
> Is there a version of this that has a built in charger and is also compatible with the switchback?
You bet. It's called the TC12 V2. It adds integrated micro usb recharging and includes a cell, but otherwise is identical in every way to the TN12 V4.
Thanks for the giveaway! Thrunite TC12
Thanks all. I pulled the trigger on the Thrunite at Amazon, getting the charger/battery bank as a spare, all for $82.
Very happy with the light. I set the firefly mode before I go to bed, so I've got something so I can see in the bathroom in the middle of the night. I like that it remembers modes.
Thrunite is a great brand that makes high quality lights usually at a better value than the competition. They also sell directly on Amazon, which makes it easy.
I like the TC12, which comes with a battery, on-board micro USB charging, and 1100 lumens.
I recommend the TC12 V2, as if you wait 4 seconds then hold down the button it will go back to firefly mode. You have to cycle through all the modes on the first version, which can be a chore to some. Be sure not to confuse the two, I caught myself making that mistake when ordering one from Amazon.
I've never heard of Powertac before, so I'm not sure if I trust them. For a light in the same price range by a reputable brand, try the ThruNite TC12 (70 USD/58 GBP).
I suggest getting it in neutral white, it'll render colors better. It will cost even less with the coupon code "THRUNITE". Apply it in your cart. I'm really not sure how much it takes off though.
In this case, A ThruNite TC12, TC15, or Neutron 2C would be a good option.
I went to look, since I tend to look at all of your suggestions when I see them, and I noticed that the TC12 V2 is only $2 more than the TN12 V4 (counting the coupon) and includes the battery and can be charged via micro USB. Am I missing some feature of the T*N12 that makes it superior to the TC*12? As far as I can tell, the TC12 is the better deal, but... I readily admit I could be missing something.
The TC12 is cheaper on Amazon. I understand the concern about fakes, but this flashlight would be difficult to counterfeit convincingly. Also, they've been on Amazon for a long time, and I've been in the hobby for about four years now and I haven't heard of any counterfeit ThruNite flashlights from Amazon.
The Elf C2 would let you see clearly about 150 feet out when it's on the highest mode. If you go with that one, I suggest buying from Killzone Flashlights, as they're an authorized dealer that has better customer support than ArmyTek proper, and you can use the coupon code "Reddit" for a 10% discount.
Deal link: Amazon Coupon code: 30TC12V2
Hoping to get my first light!
ThruNite TC12 V2 NW
Thank you!
[I'm scared of the dark] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M3TSBB6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_6MqfDbV1VPQ2R)
Thank you so much for all of the effort you put into growing this community!
Thanks Bud Thrunite TC12
I'm always down for a giveaway. Really cool site, OP.
The Thrunite TC 12 in Neutral White looks like it's right up my alley.
way cool!
this has been on my list for ages
Appreciate your kindness!! I'd love to add this to my collection. Pretty please? https://www.amazon.com/ThruNite-TC12-V2-Neutral-White/dp/B01M3TSBB6/?tag=parametrek-20
Unless you have a very specific use case for it, you'd probably be better served by a tailswitch light with front selector and mode memory - any time you hit the tail switch it always comes one in the mode you left it in, and if you don't fool with the front switch, it'll basically stay how you want it. That gives you the option to pick which mode to leave it in. Cycling through a whole bunch of crappy modes to shut it off is awful, if that's what you're trying to get away from I'd recommend going this route. Best option I can come up with there is the Thrunite TC12. It comes with a battery, has a built in micro-USB charging port, and is very well made. I carried a TN12 (same model without charging) for a year, it was a great light.
If that isn't going to work for you, and you absolutely have to have it locked to only one mode no matter what, a Convoy S2+ with the new Biscotti firmware can be programmed to only be a one-mode light, at max power. It's sold in different versions with different max power levels. If you order this, sekect the "U6 4C" Emitting color, and "7135x4" in the "body color" selection option, though this is actually picking the max output power. Since Biscotti firmware has low-voltage protection, you can get away with unprotected batteries. You'll need to get a couple of batteries and a charger. Note that these links are for illumn.com, a trusted source for batteries. Don't buy batteries from Amazon unless they come in a kit with the light like the thrunite linked above, there is a danger of getting counterfeit cells.
I hope between the two of these you'll find something that would work for you.
Thanks for doing this. Would love the TC12
I'd certainly recommend the TC12, especially for someone who just wants a working, bright flashlight. While the UI might not be as perfectly efficient as possible, it's simple and reliable; you don't have to learn or remember any finicky details. (The tail switch turns the light on and off and the side switch cycles through modes. Double pressing the side switch activates the strobe. And that's it.) The tail switch also makes it less likely to turn on by accident in a bag.
Here's the TC12 on ThruNite's website. Most people here prefer the neutral white version over the cool white version. (If you prefer Amazon, here's the TC12 in ThruNite's Amazon storefront.)
This is the same light, correct?
Whatever you do, don't buy any plastic flashlights. If you wanna buy some flashlights at a reasonable price, try getting some Maglites. They can be serviced if need be and will last a long time. If I can't afford expensive flashlights at the moment and would need to buy a bunch of them, Maglites can be purchased on the fly at the box stores.
But if you want the real deal, then get a state-of-the-art tactical flashlight that can fit inside your pocket. ThruNite, Nitecore, Fenix, and Convoy are the kings of flashlights. Personally, I recommend the Thrunite TC12 V2 as the reviews on this flashlight praises its durability and reliability. Not too many people had trouble with this flashlight, except with the V1 because people complained about cycling through modes to get to the one they want.
Since power is an issue. Rechargeable batteries are the way to go. 18650 Lithium batteries will last you 500 charges, but you can pick up rechargeable batteries in AA, AAA, C, and D-Cell Nickel Metal Hydrate as well. Since the flashlight kings have torches that run off of 18650, there are adapters that you can use in case you can't get a hold of them. If you want to stick with primaries and AA/ AAA batteries, then get Energizer Ultimate Lithium cells. They're pricey but they last a long time and can be stored up to 25+ years.
Since this is a third-world nation you're sending these lights to, then USB rechargeable lighting an absolute must. If you want true independence, get a solar charging kit, portable energy storage, and a USB rechargeable battery system. You can use the solar panels to charge your flashlight and your rechargeable batteries without ever using the power grid.