I edc the Thrunite Ti3 (Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/ThruNite-Ti3-Max120-Lumens-Flashlight/dp/B00LUO028U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1469849865&sr=8-1&keywords=Thrunite+Ti3). It's ~$20, well made, small, and is ridiculously bright for its size.
I recommend that you ask over on /r/flashlight. They should be able to give you more recommendations.
Looks like you could also use a trash compactor bag rather than the rain cover and dry sacks. Just put all your stuff in the compactor bag, roll the top of it, and put that in the pack.
Also I'm guessing for #7, by torch you mean flash light and not a lighter. There are some on Amazon such as the TheuNite Ti3 which is affordable and light weight.
I use a combo of xscottx and caallum2's ideas.
Those Cabellas clip ons are heavy. A small AAA clip flash light works well. I have clipped it on my baseball hat brim, my shoulder strap, and my hip belt. They are incredibly handy and very lightweight. For night hiking, I have used two, one on brim, one on shoulder and it makes a very good 3D image.
There are similar keychain flashlights on Canada amazon that I'm looking at. One is $20 and looks identical, and says:
Output and run time: Firefly: 0.04 Lm(115h), Low: 12 Lm(6.3h), High: 120Lm(0.5h), Strobe:120Lm(1 hour)
Since it also runs on 1x AAA, does that seem like similar duration as yours considering it's the same power source?
edit: link for reference - thoughts? there seems to be 'cool white' or 'neutral white' options as well.
I have a ThruNite Ti3 that I EDC. It's a pretty powerful little light that runs off 1 AAA. It's small enough to fit in my jeans' fifth pocket, and cheap enough I won't be pissed if it gets lost.
I just bought one from this link and it gave it to me for free... anyone else see this?
note: I don't have any Amazon credit it just said $0 so I jumped.
Standard Mini Bic
Some old Carhartts and a little free time as well
All these items are pretty well known/tried and tested/good value + good quality, etc.
I personally use a Thrunite Ti3, relatively affordable and only requires 1 AAA battery. Surprisingly bright for a flashlight that's about the size of my pinky finger.
This comes to mind:
It’s not the cheapest but it’s also not the worst.
An expensive one - http://www.coolfall.com/ptriv.html
A cheap one - https://www.amazon.com/ThruNite-Ti3-Max120-Lumens-Flashlight/dp/B00LUO028U
u/TheSecondTier which one of these is the one you have?
ThruNite Ti3 EDC Cree XP-G2 R5 AAA Torch Max120 Lumens LED Flashlight, Mini, Cool White
They look darn near the same.
The E4K is a nice light, and instead of a rubber charging port, it instead has a USB-C connecotr on the batter itself, which is less convenient in some ways, yes, but still not particularly impractical, as you still don't need a dedicated charger or a special cable.
It's a nice torch, and you shouldn't feel bad about getting it.
This sub is pretty good at recommending people large numbers of tempting options - the rabbit hole goes pretty far xD
This sub is pretty nice to newcomers as well.
I'd say the only thing anybody here gets snobby about is LED tints - i.e. the colour of light produced, which determines how accurately the true colour of an object is represented - most lights are fine, especially if you have nothing good to compare them to, but a few are objectively bad, even to the untrained eye.
Generally people new to this sub come here because they suddenly acquired or saw something that surprised them with how good it is, and they want to see how good modern lights really are, or people who don't know much about modern flashlights need/want a light for a specific purpose and want advice or recommendations.
Typically people here also start out with something rather inexpensive, usually on a AA or AAA, so seeing somebody looking at 18650's and 21700's straight of the bat feel unusual, for sure lol
It's much nicer than seeing people want something better than say an incandescent Maglite, comparing which to modern lights is like comparing a horse drawn carriage to a Ferrari.
There are plenty of good lights available.
Many of them also cost less than the E4K, but you do usually get what you pay for in some regard.
18650's tend to be the more common battery for modern lights, and 21700 and 26650 are much less common, so I'd probably recommend something with an 18650 as your first lithium light, although again, there are plenty of good and unusual AA/AAA lights out there, as well as even smaller stuff, and an awful lot (most) people in this sub have a AAA light on their keychain.
For example, the Convoy S2+ and C8 are well regarded 18650 lights, and are inexpensive (especially as you can order them diretly from the factory in china)
The Convoy C8 is around $22, and you can see beamshots of it in the reviews at the bottom of that page.
You can also get it with a Nichia 219C, which is less efficient, but has extremely good colour rendition.
The Convoy S2+ is probably the most common light people use/modify in this sub, as it's cheap, well made, and versatile. Very popular for DIY projects, although are happy with it as it comes.
Good luck, and again: welcome to the sub :-)
Seconding the flashlight and multi tool.
I carry my flashlight with a pocket clip just so it can be attached to the brim of my ballcap if I need light and both hands. Much easier than fumbling with my phone.
Also, if I’m in a situation (ie: truck broke down, power’s out, etc) I don’t want to waste precious phone battery for a flashlight, which uses a ton of juice. Gotta save those sweet amps for mobile gaming, or emergency comms.
I just picked up a Thrunite Ti3, very happy with it. It’s very small, study, great output, multiple settings, and the clip is amazingly (surprisingly) strong.
ThruNite Ti3 EDC Cree XP-G2 R5 AAA Torch Max120 Lumens LED Flashlight, Mini, Cool White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LUO028U?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
Also, a good multi tool is a must for me.
I have several, a Gerber and a Leatherman, as well as a half dozen cheap no name models, but I carry the Victorinox SAK Tinker daily. Fits well in the coin pocket of my jeans. It does have a blade on it though, so be wary of that. If you don’t go with the Tinker, another Victorinox would still be great.
My Leatherman has been with my for well over a decade, and is my daily work carry, but I’m a firm believer that they don’t make them like they used to (mine is a 2002 model).
The Gerber is a forever backup. It was a gift, and my least favorite. Feels cheap in my hands when I use it, but I know it would get the job done if necessary. It stays in my range bag normally.
As for the Tinker, here’s a link; Victorinox Swiss Army Tinker Pocket Knife, Red,91mm https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00004YVB4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_jGmKAb8QN9QH9
Good luck and happy hunting.
I have a ProTac 1L-1AA and like it a lot, but I don't think it would be that good to clip on your pocket for day to day use, maybe look into a single aaa light such as the Thrunite Ti3 or Ti5 whether you prefer a tailswitch or twisty. This form factor is big enough to be useful but small enough to not take over your pocket.
If you're set on Streamlight I like my Protac 1AAA for its size compared to the 1L-1AA, but it is still much bigger than the Thrunites and a lot of other single aaa lights.
First, thank you for hosting this, I never knew about this subreddit until this was xposted now I have yet another place to look at cool shiny stuff and find more things to get. Second Congratulations to whoever wins!
I'd go with 2 of this link and have you draw a second person to share with.
OR if that is not an option
Multitool: Leatherman Skeletool - $41.03
Knife: Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight (S110V) - $114
Light: Thrunite Ti3 - $20
Edit - I got the Skeletool for $20 when it was on sale at Home Depot and the Manix 2 on massdrop for $98; so you could get everything for $138 or possibly less if you look for deals.
Edit2 - How about some reasoning:
> Skeletool - this is my favorite multitool because it has only the tools I would forseeably need on a day-to-day basis, and leaves out the tools I associate more with camping (saw, can opener). It rides the pocket comfortably with the secure pocket clip. The carabiner-style clip is clever, because it works double-duty as a bottle opener. The screwdriver and bit/holder gets the job done. My favorite feature, though, is that the (liner-lock) knife can be deployed and folded away with one hand, without unfolding anything else. The most common complaint I hear is that the pliers/wireclippers aren't spring loaded. (And that covers all the tools on the Skeletool!)
> Manix 2 Lightweight (S110V) - this is my most frequently recommended knife because it is:
>* 100% ambidextrous >* super lightweight for its size: 2.9 oz (82g) for a 8.03" knife (blade length: 3.37") >* low maintenance: riveted construction means you can't take the knife apart even if you wanted to. S110V steel is known for its edge retention (I think... I actually don't know anything about bladesteels)
>Thrunite Ti3 - I don't know much about flashlights but I've had this for over a year on the same AAA battery cell and it's going strong. It is tiny, very bright and easy to use.
I never leave come without this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LUO028U?ref_=cm
You can flip the clip around and clip it on your hat to use as a headlamp.
Ok I lied, it was the ThruNight Ti3 flashlight. According to Amazon it puts out 120 lumens for up to 30 minutes with a 50 meter viewing range.
Honestly I would get the 2 items you said and this. Come in under budget or buy a pen or something.
This flashlight is tiny but packs a big bang for the bucks. It also comes in Titanium. As for the folder I carry this. It is a bit big but that is why I carry it because it has a big handle and I have big hands.
Is this the one you got?