It’s actually really nice! It steers very smoothly, and it’s very responsive. The hardest part is finding a piece of furniture the right height to mount it onto.
It doesn’t have any joysticks, so doesn’t work quite as well for games like The Crew or NFS. It is made specifically for Forza Motorsport, but can be used for any other racing games too.
I found it in amazon for $90.
I just saw the exact same one at EB Games today for $130 today
It’s actually really nice! It steers very smoothly, and it’s very responsive. The hardest part is finding a piece of furniture the right height to mount it onto.
It doesn’t have any joysticks, so doesn’t work quite as well for games like The Crew or NFS. It is made specifically for Forza Motorsport, but can be used for any other racing games too.
I found it in amazon for $90.
I just saw the exact same one at EB Games today for $130 today
So last time I checked the 458 is compatible with Xbox only, not pc. Are you using this wheel: ?
Get the ferrari wheel the red one it's about 100 usd new and 50 second hand. Great entry level wheel. I got that one and I I happy with it. Works on pc and Xbox. this one
If you want a budget wheel this one is the one I am using, I am also new to racing Sims and I also wanted to have it on a budget, it's legit decent entry level wheel, and I am enjoy it.
Re your last question, yes you can, exactly what I am doing while trying to build by own chair (and it is taking much longer than I expected and will take longer lol)
The game doesn’t support force feedback then you won’t get the resistance with the wheels you listed. The only artificial ones that I know of are bungee cord systems. Like this one
I just can't find it on the website. Unless I'm downloading something specifically for a wheel other than the VG Ferrari 458 Spider, I can't find any sort of software to download at all. I can't find any mention of a 'Thrustmaster profiler' at all. Sorry for all the questions! It is much appreciated.
I wish there were some better options available, but you can basically get a non force feedback wheel for around $60-100 ( or a decent force feedback wheel, but that will set you back at least $300.
I was hoping MS would introduce a new official forza wheel for around $150 with decent force feedback, but no luck. Apparently wheel sales have also spiked since Project Cars was released, so prices have gone up a bit.
You linked to your shitty referral link farm site instead of directly to Amazon, that's how.
Here's the direct link without referral code.
Thrustmaster Ferrari
Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel for Xbox One
Used for $80
$90 on amazon with prime
The Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 wheel is a good entry-level option based on the reviews I've been able to find. A bit cheap-feeling but usable. If you're willing to shell out a little more, I just bought a Thrustmaster TMX and I'm quite happy with it! It looks like it's out of stock at Amazon right now, though, so I'm not sure if it's getting discontinued or something...
You got a $5 discount over buying new Amazon
it's this one
Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel (Xbox Series X/S & One & Windows)
>Is a wheel better than a controller?
I think it's better but people will tell you otherwise here.
>If so what are some that are less than 150$?
The Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel from Thrustmaster is a great option for the bare necessities with no force feedback and only other product within the ecosystem that works with it is the T3PA add on. I had this wheel for 4 years on xbox 360 (this wheel is basically the xbox one version of the 360 wheel) and had no issues whatsoever and still don't to this day whenever I go back to use it. You can buy it for $99 on Amazon or go through thrustmasters 10 available online storefronts.
After I upgraded to Xbox One and got the Thrustmaster TMX PRO which is a more premium feeling wheel with force feedback and adjustable angles of rotation in game. It also comes with T3PA pedals included which fit well with the TH8A gated shifter. Like the Ferrari racing wheel I have had no issues with the TMX for the 3 years I've owned it. Granted it is a bit pricer at $359 on but that is for the future if you like your beginner setup.
Hope this helps :)
+ Forza Horizon 4 (Wait till the Christmas Digital Deals sale and you can probably get a complete version cheap)
This is pure joy, it gives you just enough sim for just the right price. Not going to win any driving trophies as its not as precise as the overpriced wheels, but the feeling is incredible.
FWIW, it's $79 new on Amazon now:
Upon searching for the term "Windows" on the questions and answers page of Amazon for this device, I have come to the conclusion that no, it doesn't support Windows.
Check this link if you need further confirmation. It's from Thrustmaster's support page.
Depends on what platform you're on, but here are some options.
Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider, $100
Thrustmaster T80, $100
Thrustmaster TMX, $200
Thrustmaster T150, $200
EDIT: Added another wheel
EDIT 2: Divided by price range and re-ordered based on specs
I started with a small investment of $99 for this.
After a month or two of still having a blast, I decided to upgrade myself to this. Then I lent my first wheel to a buddy of mine to hopefully get him interested. Once I get it back from him I'm hoping to turn it into my "Travel Rig" so I can keep racing even when I'm on travel for work.
Just my two cents as a new boot in Sim Racing, but I think you may be over estimating the necessity of FFB at first. Once you have it, you know how much it adds to the immersion, and that may be coloring your opinion as to how important it is to a new person.
My point is this. I've always liked racing games but never had a proper wheel. I was stuck with those damn controllers. (Yes, I'm on console. I left the PC Master race years ago.) So a month ago I finally said "screw it", and bought this:
Thrustmaster VG Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel
I have had so much fun over the last month that I decided to jump into a little deeper end of the pool and bought this:
Thrustmaster TX Servo Base, Leather Steering Wheel, Gearbox Shifter, & Pedal Bundle
The FFB is so much fun, but I realized I probably appreciate it more because I haven't had it for the last month. On top of that, my wife (casual at best) hates it. She wants to use the non-FFB instead when she wants to race.
So that's my opinion on that. Just my experience and some food for thought. I'm glad to see you're trying to bring new people in like myself. I'm having a blast. I'm even building my own rig now. Yay for working with AutoCAD most days. :)
Get two t16000's and this racing wheel + pedals. You only really want the pedals from this set up but they are the best pedals you can get for cheap. The reason you get this wheel too is that if the pedals ever go, you can plug the t3pa's into that wheel. Someone might say that you should go with flight pedals instead, but you don't need the side to side rudder action that is the main function of flgith pedals and most flight pedals out there have serious drawbacks unless you shell out the big bucks. RIght stick x = yaw, y = pitch, z = roll. Left stick x = horizontal strafe, y = vertical strafe. Your pedals are set to forward and reverse strafe. from the two that are posted this seems middle road does anyone have experience with this wheel?? seems rated pretty high for the price