There's one that I know works quite well by thrustmaster, not exactly looking like civil side sticks, but works fantastic. Costs about $24.99, i got one at 14.99 on sale Includes a small throttle + 3 single click buttons + 1 multi-function key to which we can map 4 functions Works well, just fix the sensitivity.
I bought this joystick . It's going to take a lot of practice and patience to learn to move the camera as smoothly as possible but I can already tell It's way easier than using a normal mouse would be. Another option would be to buy a smaller joystick and place it so that you can move it with the thumb on your left hand. I'm gonna try that in the future if I can't move my right hand as fast as I need
I like history in general. But I think its neat sitting in a modern fighter jet and getting to use the instruments. Im leaning more towards the f 18. Also being im on a tight budget I went with this option as a beginner and will get something more advanced if I get into it a lot.
I bought one of these to play Star Wars squadrons and I’ve since decided it doesn’t have enough buttons to really be as fun as I would like.
Usb Joystick
I’ll sell it to you for what I paid for it. DM me of interested.
It's playable on an X Box controller, but it's a bit twitchy unless you turn the sensitivity down. You're probably not getting any recommendations because there are just so many to choose from.
You can probably pick up the cheapest joystick you can find and be able to control the planes just fine, or spend an absolute fortune on replica flight controls, rudder pedals, switch panels and all sorts.
If this is your first sim, you don't know if you're going to play it much and you don't want to spend a lot then you could go for something like this Thrustmaster stick.
You don't need to spend that much if you are just starting to get into it. Buy something like this. Way cheaper ($25, not an ad), and if you decide you like flightsimming a lot you can invest in a throttle quadrant/yoke later. I honestly don't recommend a standalone throttle and yoke to most beginners. This will get you up and running quick.
You can use the clutch if you want to for RPM-boosting purposes, but it's not necessary for changing gears in sequential mode (it is if you pick Manual H-Pattern With Clutch). I mean, you can press it when you change gears if it makes you feel better ;)
And yeah, using a wheel button for handbrake isn't great when things get vigorous, but I've got a cheap joystick on order to help with that.
You can get by with a controller but they're way more satisfying with a joystick. Even the cheapest piece of junk you can find is better than most joysticks that were available back then. If you're going to play the X-Wing series, I'd highly recommend a joystick.
I use this for my old-school flight sims these days and it works fine.
This one is SUPER basic... but if you're trying to get a feel for stick control it would probably be decent. And it's on sale.
I used this when I replayed the older SW flight sims recently. Worked well.
Both are pretty cheap and I’m sure rightly so.
The most casual player-minded joystick by Thrustmaster, simply called USB Joystick.
The own TM site has it wrong, calling it a 4-axis joystick (pitch, roll, yaw and throttle) when it is a 3-axis joystick (pitch, roll and throttle). As per Amazon.
The T.Flight Stick X (one model above the base USB Joystick) is the first one to have 4 axes, from Thrustmaster’s own range.
I've got an old Thrustmaster joystick for sale if you want it? (I assume from the £ you're in the UK)
Buy a cheap joystick and use double sided tape and what have you to secure it in place.
I use this one and it works for DR2 and AC:
I figured because im not entirely sure yet and don't want to drop over 100$ right now im going with this and will upgrade if I love it enough to do so.
Because im still on the fence and on a tight budget I went with this. I figured being im just going by what I see its smarter to go cheap then upgrade later.
Here is this one:
Thrustmaster USB Joystick for PC
20$ on amazon (Thrustmaster USB Joystick for PC
> I love this game to death but I don’t have the money or time to justify Hotas or sticks.
$15.99 on Amazon, has a small throttle too.
$31.99, has more buttons and a better throttle.
You don't have to get a $100+ HOTAS to get flightstick flight.
IMO if you can afford a system that can play SC and can afford to pledge to SC then you can find $20-30 for a basic flight stick.
I just stumbled across this whilst watching a video about an electric aircraft concept that you can see here.
The previous version of the flight stick they used was the first joystick I ever owned, so I immediately recognized it being used in the mockup!
Maybe this?
you could try asking on /r/hotas
a cheap thrustmaster flight stick.
Yeah, just tried ATI, works nice. Just purchased a flight stick for the game. Was this a decent purchase?
I got one of these:
Just as the Amazon reviews say, the base is kinda light and could be wider, but the build quality is pretty good considering the price. :)