I live in San Diego and I grew in a green house my first time this year. I got this on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FKXHRXY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_M2a7EbX9Q6M9J
After the first day, my plants got stress. I didnt realize how hot it got in there until I bought a thermometer. On a normal day where it was around 80 degrees outside, it got over 100 degrees in there. I had to buy a huge fan to push air through it. I initially bought a commercial box fan which ended up not pushing enough air. I got lucky and bought an industrial fan on offer up for $50.
I'm still waiting to see if the fan will keep it cool enough in the summer when it gets in the high 90s or 100s. I also bought a shade cloth fabric just in case.
There's definitely been problems but you will just have to adapt and overcome. Was it worth $200? Probably not. It is nice not having to worry about pests though.