J'utilise celle-ci depuis quelques années, j'en utilise vraiment quasi-rien chaque jour. A l'application colle un peu mais ça s'estompe vite. Odeur plutôt neutre qui s'estompe également. Par contre aucune idée sur le "plutôt naturel".
Yes, you should. I'd recommend you grow out your bangs first (and get a new barber). If you want something easy to get started, pick up a blow dryer and some product. Blow dry your hair after a shower, and style it into shape with some wax/clay. I use this, but you really just want something advertised as high hold, low shine.
Ok, so beyond the dapper dan man comment, which is amazing. This product is the best I have ever found. It isn't shiny at all, holds your hair while also allowing it to be pliable. I love it.
TIGI Bed Head B for Men Matte Separation Workable Wax, 3 Ounces https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002N5MI2S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_SawfCb151FFY4
You just put like a dime sized or really, even smaller dab in the middle of your palm and rub your hands together until it's all over them and run your fingers softly through your hair several times and it won't just fall over flat when it drys, when you get out of the shower.
You seem to have a little receding hairline. IMO the buzz cut looks better. If you do want to grow it, don't grow it longer than the first picture. You could try a hairstyle with the hair longer on top and shorter sides.You could start with a number 4 guard on the sides(that's 12 mm) and then if it looks good even shorter. The top with scissors. Use a quality hair product. Give TIGI Bed Head Men Matte Separation Wax http://www.amazon.com/TIGI-Head-Matte-Separation-Ounce/dp/B002N5MI2S a try.
One can of this will literally last me half a year.
If you're using Got2B glued, might as well just use Aylmer's
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So I'm trying more of a gentleman look. I'm 25 and I have genetics that are going to make me look like I'm 16 forever, and I'm trying to set myself apart from that a bit. Unfortunately I still can't grow a good beard (I've even used thebeardclub's growth oils and palms for 3-4 months straight. It's just too patchy). My hair has also been thinning these past few years (Likely from stress). I used to have some of the thickest hair I've ever seen, but now you can see through my hair on the top.
I just started using this:
And I only wash my hair about 1-2 times a week (Heard that it's better for your hair, and can thicken it since shampoo tends to thin). I have dandruff so I have to use head & shoulders or some dandruff shampoo.
The next haircut I want to try is the Thomas Shelby haircut: https://regalgentleman.com/blogs/blog/116952388-hairstyles-the-peaky-blinders-hair-cuts-2016
But I guess I'm just trying to find what matches me best and that I enjoy. Any suggestions on thickening hair? And any advice on fixing patchy/thin beard hair is appreciated. Also any hair style advice, too.
> Bed Head matte wax
awesome! This the stuff? https://www.amazon.com/TIGI-Matte-Separation-Workable-Ounces/dp/B002N5MI2S/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1515424817&sr=8-3&keywords=Bed+Head+matte+wax
https://www.amazon.com/TIGI-Matte-Separation-Workable-Ounces/dp/B002N5MI2S i like this stuff. it's strong and smells good
This right here is what you're looking for.
i really like
its a thick wax, matte finish
Just got TIGI Bedhead the other day, loving it so far. amazon link for the lazy
I use this http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B002N5MI2S?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00 it works for me.
Hi! I use something called Bedhead for men! It's a wax based hold so it has more of a greasy look so use in moderation but the hold is pretty good!
Definitely use conditioner. I live in the desert as well (AZ) and have pretty much the same hair as you (oily). I would advise you to to find a hair stylist/dresser if you don't have one and as the others have mentioned below; get it textured. I personally don't like my scalp showing on the sides so I get at least a number 4 on the sides or i have them scissor cut the sides so it isn't cut too short. Also have them razor cut/texture the top. For product's I'd suggest trying bedhead's "matte separation" or their wax stick. I've also used d:fi extreme hold too and it works great but it's definitely thick and it's hard to find as it's pretty popular here so I'd just buy it online.
Here's the matte separation: http://www.amazon.com/TIGI-Head-Matte-Separation-Ounce/dp/B002N5MI2S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1427780500&sr=8-1&keywords=matte+separation+bed+head
Here's the wax stick: http://www.amazon.com/TIGI-Bed-Head-Hair-Stick/dp/B003JP19U8/ref=pd_sim_sbs_bt_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0KHGQYE6RDDDN1QAGM69
Here's the d fi extreme cream: http://www.amazon.com/Extreme-Hold-Styling-Cream-2-6/dp/B000H30FHS/ref=sr_1_2?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1427780598&sr=1-2&keywords=d%3Afi
I also put product in while my hair is dry/slightly damp rather than wet. If you're using the d:fi I'd definitely try it when your hair is a little damp because that stuff is pretty sticky. Don't be afraid to blow-dry it a bit to speed up the drying process.
It might seem like a lot of steps but it's really not bad at all, takes me maybe 5 minutes to do right after the shower. Good luck man!
I use some bedhead matte finish that I think would work well for what you want.
You need better product like this. Don't waste your time with American crew. My hair is very similar to you and once i switched from American crew the difference was like night and day.
Other than the product, if you want to ensure a rock hard hold, you will need hairspray.