Titan pull up bar mounted into studs
We’ve got 6 stall mats in there; unfortunately I still can’t do any cleans or snatches because it’s too loud. Sucks. Love the pull-up bar, it’s the Titan Fitness one from Amazon, similar to this one but it only has one option for where to put the bar.
I got it all from amazon:
i actually hang my rings from the pullup bar. my setup isn't optimal, but its the best i could do in my house. my house is 2 floors, and the main hallway goes all the way to the top of the 2nd floor, so i could hang it there and not worry about anything above my head (so, yeah, my pullup bar is in the middle of a hallway right as you come in my house. the bar extends into the middle of the walkway, so if i don't tidy things up, you just have stuff dangling down).
my pullup bar is high enough that i have to jump up to reach. this gives me the space to be able to do do an l sit muscle up without bonking my head on the bar. if i try to skin the cat with advanced tuck, then my feet are going to hit the wall that leads to the stairs upstairs, so normally i'll just do front lever progressions and then turn around and do back.
honestly the worst part is trying to find a place to put the pullup bar.