Get a Titan Fitness 80 dollar barbell. ( Well they are on sale for about 80 dollars right now, how long that lasts, I don't know) IIRC, it's also a free shipping item.
See how you do with garage gym training. If you find it's your jam, then if you want to upgrade later, you can do that, and shift your Titan for your landmine bar or some other purpose.
I've seen a few "super budget bars" in the 60-ish range sometimes, but they tend to have massive problems ( no bushings, flaking off paint aps, requires more maintenance than most people have skill for, etc, etc)
Might as well spend a little bit more and get the Titan. And it's a solid beginner bar. The knurling is pretty good. It's a good strategy by Titan, to essentially create a break even or a loss leader for a time to get new people into their brand.
Most people who get into "garage gyms" should start piecemeal with what they can cobble together. Spending big money on a garage gym or home gym should be reserved for those who have done it for a while and know their practical limits and have established training consistency being outside of a box. FB and Craiglist marketplaces are full of people who had eyes bigger than their stomachs. They bought a ton of stuff before they understood if they were willing to train that way consistently and then dump it later for cents on the dollar.
CL bargains all root from the same cause. Guy buys a ton of stuff and never uses it. Wife nags him to the bone over it until he sells it for pennies. He thinks it will stop the nagging, but recorded human history has shown nothing ever stops the nagging. It's like the sun rising in the morning and the tide coming in on the beach. Your first best option in home gyms is to buy 2nd and 3rd hand until you can time a good hard push for a big buy somewhere.