Hi :-)
Nice telescope!
> 3mm
Atmospheric seeing usually prevents overly high magnification.
IF seeing is good, 3mm (1200/3=400x) is amazing. But do not expect to be able to use it regularly.
> Edge-On Planetary Eyepiece
I do not have these.
They have a good reputation, but I've read that the 6mm has some glare issues? (https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/549813-orion-6mm-edge-on-ep-or-something-else-for-planets-and-moon-only/?p=7425873).
But do note that they only have 55° apparent field of view. At 400x, the planets move out of the field pretty quickly. But it can work - I had a 9 year old operating my dobsonian at an outreach event, showing Jupiter at 375x to everyone, after using a telescope the first time for 10 minutes :-).
> Canada
> around 150 USD
How about the HR Planetary clones 58°, or the better BST Starguider 60° (and similar) eyepieces? Pretty decent contrast, long-ish eye-relief. Older design, that works well.
Sadly no deals on the HR Planetary 58° clones right now as far as I am aware. They are often sold for under $50 a piece. The Starguider, dual-ed and similar are newer/better (and cost a bit more). IF you aren't in a hurry, you can get them cheap via Aliexpress or Amazon Marketplace (shipped from China).
The 66°/68° type is even cheaper, but maybe not the "best" eyepiece :-) Great budget eyepieces (and better than the short kit eyepieces coming with most of the telescopes).
For some higher-end eyepieces, check out the Explore-Scientific (ultra-wide) eyepieces. I am not familiar with the cheaper 52° ES, some have good reviews, but check individual reviews on Cloudynights or Stargazerslounge.
Some shops also still have the Meade Ultra Wide Angle 5.5mm.
Clear skies :-)