This is what my parents used, it came under fire for a while after a child was suffocated to death by some parents using the teachnings of this book.
Here is from another one of their books, created to be his help meet, which my father has given every girl he knows when they turn 16..."Created to be his help Meet" and how to deal with the husband that sexually molests a kid.
"“But if your husband has sexually molested the children, you should approach him with it. If he is truly repentant (not just exposed) and is willing to seek counseling, you may feel comfortable giving him an opportunity to prove himself, as long as you know the children are safe. If there is any thought that they are not safe, or if he is not repentant and willing to seek help, then go to the law and have him arrested. Stick by him, but testify against him in court. Have him do about 10 to 20 years, and by the time he gets out, you will have raised the kids, and you can be waiting for him with open arms of forgiveness and restitution. Will this glorify God? Forever. You ask, “What if he doesn’t repent even then?” Then you will be rewarded in heaven equal to the martyrs, and God will have something to rub in the Devil’s face. God hates divorce — always, forever, regardless, without exception.”:
>"The guilty have also repented and there is no proof of injuries at all. What is the problem now?"
Oh, so it leave no visible sign of abuse? Thats makes it ok then.
Funny how is sounds like what some Christians preach for their own kids.
Have no fear! Amazon will happily sell you an instruction manual on how to do odious, despicable things to innocent children, as long it is done in the name of good Christian offspring-training fun!
>On the bare legs or bottom, switch him eight or ten licks; then, while waiting for the pain to subside, speak calm words of rebuke. If the crying turns to a true, wounded, submissive whimper, you have conquered; he has submitted his will. If the crying is still defiant, protesting and other than a response to pain, spank him again.
I suppose it's okay as long as you don't get an erection.
Thank god we've come so far since then, where we have more progressive ways of raising our children
Still less offensive than To Train up a Child
>After speaking with the Schatz' other children investigators were led to No Greater Joy Ministries, a Tennessee based faith group that espouses spanking as a necessary part of "training" one's child.
>The Ministries' web site details how hard and on which part of the body a child should be hit. It also describes a 1/4 inch plumber's supply line as an ideal "spanking instrument".
>The Schatz are accused of using that exact type of supply line to beat their two adopted children so severely that one died and the other remains in intensive care.
>Investigators say the Shatz practiced a similar form of corporal punishment on their six biological children and were training their oldest daughter in the proper way to deliver spankings.
DA links fundamentalist "training" to Paradise girl's death
>The Schatzes were arrested Saturday morning after their adopted daughter, Lydia, age 7, stopped breathing. She was subsequently pronounced dead.
>Her 11-year-old sister, Zariah Schatz, remains in critical condition at a Sacramento children's hospital, though she is showing some signs of recovery. The two were adopted at the same time with an infant girl, now 3, from the same African orphanage about three years ago,
>Prosecutors allege the two victims were subjected to "hours" of corporal punishment by their parents on successive days last Thursday and Friday with a quarter-inch-wide length of rubber or plastic tubing, which police reportedly recovered from the parents' bedroom.
>Police allege that the younger girl was being disciplined for mis-pronouncing a word during a home-school reading lesson the day before she died.
>The two young girls reportedly sustained deep bruising and multiple "whip-like" marks on their back, buttocks and legs, which authorities believe resulted in significant muscle tissue breakdown that impaired their kidneys and possibly other vital organs, said Ramsey.
To Train Up A Child (Paperback) ~ Michael Pearl Debi Pearl
Stop the Rod Reviews ' "To Train Up a Child" by Michael and Debi Pearl
>1) The Pearls recommend whipping infants only a few months old on their bare skin. They describe whipping their own 4 month old daughter (p.9). They recommend whipping the bare skin of "every child" (p.2) for "Christians and non-Christians" (p.5) and for "every transgression" (p.1). Parents who don't whip their babies into complete submission are portrayed as indifferent, lazy, careless and neglectful (p.19) and are "creating a Nazi" (p.45).
>2) On p.60 they recommend whipping babies who cannot sleep and are crying, and to never allow them "to get up." On p.61 they recommend whipping a 12 month old girl for crying. On p.79 they recommend whipping a 7 month old for screaming.
>3) On p.65 co-author Debi Pearl whips the bare leg of a 15 month old she is babysitting, 10 separate times, for not playing with something she tells him to play with. On p.56 Debi Pearl hits a 2 year old so hard "a karate chop like wheeze came from somewhere deep inside."
>4) On p.44 they say not to let the child's crying while being hit to "cause you to lighten up on the intensity or duration of the spanking." On p.59 they recommend whipping a 3 year old until he is "totally broken."
Spare the quarter-inch plumbing supply line, spoil the child Saying no to "timeouts," some fundamentalist Christians "train up" their children by carefully hitting them with switches, PVC pipes and other "chastening instruments."
Spanking away sin Christian Century, May 1, 2007
Dominionism and child abuse, part 1,-part-1
Dominionism and child abuse, part 2
Dominionism and child abuse, part 3: Why they aren't in jail
FLOGGING FOR GOD: Violence toward children under the guise of religion
here is the book on amazon To Train Up A Child (Paperback) ~ Michael Pearl Debi Pearl
To Train Up A Child (Paperback) ~ Michael Pearl Debi Pearl
Spare the quarter-inch plumbing supply line, spoil the child Saying no to "timeouts," some fundamentalist Christians "train up" their children by carefully hitting them with switches, PVC pipes and other "chastening instruments."
Spanking away sin Christian Century, May 1, 2007
Dominionism and child abuse, part 1,-part-1
Daily Kos: Dominionism and child abuse, part 2
Dominionism and child abuse, part 3: Why they aren't in jail
NoSpank - Flogging for God
To Train Up a Child is quite popular on Amazon:
#69 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Family
Yep, plenty of Christians advocate for child abuse.
Here's the book written by this horrible goon.