This book essentially covers everything that Tom Dokkens does when training hunting dogs professionally. He has a DVD as well, if that’s more your speed. The book is focused on the Labrador breed but most or all of these principles apply to all breeds. Tom Dokken's Retriever Training: The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
Also Standing Stone kennels on YouTube have great videos.
You can raise any of those 3 to be all around great dogs/retrievers if you put in the time and effort. Just be damn sure to find a reputable breeder or you'll end up with a dumb one with life long health problems. Honestly, I would check into breeders' prices and make a decision from there.
Personal experience, my buddy's black lab is the best damn retriever I've ever seen.
I know you didn't ask but I suggest getting this book if you haven't ever trained before.
Tom Dokken's Retriever Training: The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
I got my dog from tom dokkens kennel, and trained him from this book. easy to read and comprehend and has pictures and diagrams explaining the process.
This one?