Tomcat Mouse Killer Refillable Station for Indoor/Outdoor Use - Child and Dog Resistant, 1 Station with 16 Baits (Bag)
The momma comes out for food. She goes back home with a KILLER headache.
Then the 6-10 babies come out and die in all the other traps.
I have 3 cookie traps and no mice.
I don't have a significant mouse problem, a few seem to have found their way into my garage once and got into a bag of bird feed, so I used this:
I saw a few nibbles taken out of it and then my bird feed no longer got harassed. Nothing since.
I also found a small hole where I think they got it and filled it.
If I had a bigger problem I'd probably set several more in my attic/crawl.
Tomcat(R) Bait is green/grainy. But seems a lot of brands are.
Active ingredient is Bromethalin but I don't think it's particularly toxic to large animals. I quit using it for mice myself after a raccoon got into my bucket and ate it all.