If you have grade 3, you must’ve been struggling a lot throughout life with pain, sleep and speech issues and it will be life changing experience. Highly recommend getting it released but you need to properly with proper specialist. The first is start myofunctional exercises ASAP which definitely help you, but you need to find myofunctional therapist who would work with you 4-10 weeks to prepare you for release and then also work with post procedure as well, it required actually. Only cons are cost (950$-1850$ release, 1000-2000$ myo therapy) and your time and dedication. You can learn more about from Dr. Zaghi from Breath Insitute: https://youtu.be/8dOq11N-qK8
I would start with these exercises for now. https://youtu.be/2nq8YjWIIUI Also join Adult Tongue Tie Facebook group and [your state/country] Tongue Tie Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1494393564165999/?ref=share
There is also great book called: “Tongue Tie” https://www.amazon.com/Tongue-Tied-String-Impacts-Nursing-Feeding/dp/1732508208
Hi, I do tongue-tie releases every day, and one of my friends pointed me to this post. I wrote a book on tongue-ties as well, so I understand what you are asking, as many others in this thread have no clue what you are talking about. (Book: https://www.amazon.com/Tongue-Tied-String-Impacts-Nursing-Feeding/dp/1732508208)
At that age, in my opinion, and in our practice, that is too often for aftercare stretches for a toddler. That's not realistic to stretch that often. We tell our patients to shoot for 2 times a day for stretches, so every 12hrs, and do it for 3 weeks. Minimum once a day if it's really difficult.
Use the bite block, back of a toothbrush, back of a wooden spoon, something to go between his teeth so he can't bite you. It's definitely a two-person job, but know that it's not forever. Just do the best you can to get in there, lift the tongue, you can push right on the diamond, and get out. So 5-10 sec tops per stretch. Then comfort him, and bribe him with something that would help him calm down.
Ask your provider if it's still difficult. Make sure they check the site again in a week because 90% of them grow back together at least partially and need a deeper stretch. Hang in there! It's really tough, but hopefully, it will be worth it and you will see some good results with speech, feeding, sleep, etc. if the procedure was done properly and he had those symptoms to begin with.
Dr. Baxter