Save half of your money and get a Pittsburgh jack from Harbor Freight of the same weight rating. Always place your car on jack stands before getting under it. Take the $100 you'll save getting the other jack and put it into getting some quality jack stands with a lock.
These are the Big Red jack stands with double lock from Amazon. I tried twice with Harbor Freight and unfortunately, both sets ended up getting recalled due to safety during that whole jack stand fiasco.
Torin (Big Red) makes some pretty good double locking ones, they're fairly cheap on Amazon. Or if you want to feel extra safe, grab the 6 ton ones, they're still only like $60/pair. Then you'll have no problem working on a truck or SUV if you ever need to.
I have those ESCO stands but my issue is that they're super tall even on the lowest setting. I end up never using them because I have to jack my cars waaay up in the air to fit those stands underneath. I'd really only use them for long term tasks where the car is going to be up for more than a day, which is rare.
Instead I have these. It's the old school style with the additional lock pin for security.
harbor freight has 3 ton jack stand for $21 a pair right now. I would have bought them but their locking mechanism is shit imo. I got these instead still waiting for them to be delivered Going to put concrete blocks under the tires too when I lift the car up. Just bought some nice solid rubber chocks at Harbor freight for like $7.99 each, way better than the flo tools crap one's. Then went next store to advance auto parts and bought a 2-ton jack that was on sale for $24.99, that I have yet to open.
These. They have locking pins and support 3 tons which helps a lot against the fear of being crushed.