>The idea that charity hurts people is weird.
This isn't a weird and foreign concept. I would read this book about the subject (with a grain of salt). It raises some interesting points on how different models of charity can actually sabotage your intended consequence.
Lmaooo more like “damn that religion too much of those starving African kids having religion held over them as a condition of the houses water and food they’re given” Mission trips are colonialism 2.0. Even secular ones come from a place of thinking outsiders know better than the people who actually live there https://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Charity-Church-Hurts-Reverse-ebook/dp/B004X2JGSI
And you ARE stigmatizing sex because you’re acting like saying no to sex till menopause is a completely reasonable belief when it’s not. Abstinence is only realistic in the short term, not the long term.