Order this and a fishbowl, and research as much as you can about them onoine. Let me know in 6 weeks if you are still bored. https://www.amazon.com/Toyops-HG24TRI-Triops-Hanging-Kit/dp/B003L2CQBK/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=Triops+Kit&qid=1632273760&sr=8-5
Amazon, as well as some other sites that sell them, claim that they are Triops longicaudatus. Those are the ones that are typically used in kits, so I'd assume they are the "easiest" to raise.
I'd think that they all generally need the same care, maybe some of the rarer ones need a bit more, but they should all have the same basic requirements.
They can be yours for only 10.99.