NTA - Your co workers are dicks. This is going to impact your productivity.
Tell your boss or HR about it.
Buy a couple of these and put them in the outlet, problem solved. https://www.amazon.com/StoPower-Power-Plug-Keyed-Alike/dp/B06XWGZ457/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=plug+lock&qid=1605718532&sr=8-2
No microwaving before feeding. He's being dismissive to your concerns and is putting the baby in danger with the hot pockets that could burn their lungs.
I would unplug the microwave before heading to bed and use one of these plug locks if he refuses to listen. https://www.amazon.ca/StoPower-Power-Plug-Keyed-Alike/dp/B06XWGZ457
You need to make sure you know you're serious.
As to warm the bottles, I just use a glass with warm water in it or feed it to my kid cold lol.