I've got this and it's really easy to setup.
Just need to change some options on your router/modem combo you can google. It's a bit pricier though, but it's worth for no hassle of dealing with router. It comes with software to setup the router and gives you instructions and you can manage everything from your phone
In a previous post here someone recommended the Asus Zenwifi AC (CT8) as the best mesh wifi system to use with a Rogers Ignite modem/router to strengthen whole home wifi. When I was pricing it (still about $369) I also saw this one which is a Wifi 6 system by TP-link - not concerned about the Wifi 6 very much but would the future proofing be a good idea given that Wifi 6 is fully backwards compatible or am I giving something up in performance. It's about $300 but the price difference isn't important to me - it's more about performance. Also it only has 2 ports per unit so I'd have to add an ethernet switch which I have but there is getting to be a lot of stuff in my living room. Wouldn't mind so much in my office but it's a lot of stuff to have around my tv now. Only working Rogers cable is in my living room so no choice as to location
Ok as someone else said your bandwidth from your ISP is irrelevant... That is correct.
5ghz... Cool... What kinda 5 ghz? That's a wave length not a speed... You want wifi6 standard aka 802.11ax
"The short but incomplete answer: 9.6 Gbps. That’s up from 3.5 Gbps on Wi-Fi 5."
That is peak of wifi 6 and 5 there are varying levels of gear
Wifi 4 was 600 meg
So you are saying 5gz
All this networks are 5ghz...
So 0.6 ghz on wifi 4 Or The best WiFi 6 network at 9.6 So like 18x the speed? That is a big deal ...
So what I'm saying is... 5ghz ain't a speed.... It's a wave length and odds are the fact you don't know that means your probably running wifi4.... At 0.6gig out to a 1.0gig pipe from your ISP... Like literally you can only ever achieve 60% of what you are paying for per month if that is the case. Plus nothing in your home talks to each other fast
So get the model of your wifi access point and sort out what it's speed is... Ignore the 2.4ghz and 5ghz crap... See if it's wifi 6 or /sigh wifi4... If it's wifi4 you definitely need to dump it... If it's wifi5 I'd still recommend doing so
I use these TP-Link WiFi 6 Mesh WiFi, AX3000... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0889Q6KF3
They are 2.4gig speed on both 2.4ghz and 5ghz wavelengths... Because I have a pair one is where my internet comes in... The other is at the desktop I'm connecting to they talk to each other better than to your devices so plugging it in with the wire isn't a bad idea
Seriously though... Not even all wifi 6 tp links are equal .. the x20 has half the speed of the x60 I linked up there
So just look for the wifi speed rating in addition to wifi6 because wifi 6 has a large range...
Think of it like this
5gz = I have a cell phone might be a Motorola RAZR from 2001 might not Wifi 6 = I have a android smart phone.... Might be a Motorola thunderbolt from 2010 or whatever
But what you want to know is do they have the Samsung s21 or the Pixel 6 or what?
It's about the level of detail... You thought you had a speed rating but you didn't... Now your eyes are open and you can look at the problem correctly
That being said... I don't airlink much... I needed the speed to broadcast VR to my TV so when I'm showing people how to play I know what they are seeing ... I start the stream and then hand them the headset... But my old wifi couldn't handle that... Those tplink do it way better...
X90 is faster... If was air linking I'd consider that.. 4.8gig speed.
Of course you can get other brands of routers and it doesn't need to be mesh... But I was able to Integrate with the crap I already had by buying TP Link so I have an AP in the garage so that my wifi works where I park across the street (wife gets the garage) so that I'm not in that awkward "not enough signal to load Google maps but just enough signal it doesn't flip to cellular data" point that I would be if I didn't put one there (I'm in a 3rd condo... Garage is basically 1 floor down and 15 feet closer to my car and no concrete in the way.)
So lots to think about... Main take away is 5ghz isn't speed.
Deal link: Amazon
What messes me up is that at that price i can get this: