oh shit I found this at my Trader Joe's and just bought it hoping for the best but expecting the worst... didn't realize it was straight up dried ghost peppers in there.
I am in love!
tbh, ghost pepper is marketted that way, but actually can taste really good.
Trader Joes sells these. You only need a dash (not even a grind) to spice up a plate, and it adds a delish smokey flavor.
I've also had some pretty good sauces with it too.
That said, I wouldn't/don't eat peppers spicier than a jalapeno. They're not pleasant to eat straight-up (fresh or pickled). They also don't have a flavor I enjoy.
That goes for pepperoncini too.
"Are you referring to the Smoked Ghost Chilies in a grinder?"
this is the stuff im refering to,i dont know if its seasonal or not.kinda wondering if i should buy it off amazon since the past 2 times ive been to trader joes i havent seen it
I have a shelf in my fridge dedicated to hot sauce - my wife hates how much room it takes up LOL!
Also, check out the smoked ghost pepper grinder that Trader Joe's sells. I have one at home, and one at my work desk. It's sooo good.
Salt, Pepper, ground hot peppers.. something like this (but I am in Japan and can't easily get these, so something similar, but not as hot)
Love this in a tuna melt.
It's a big step up in heat, but Trader Joes sells smoked ghost pepper flakes. Of course it has a bit of smokey flavor, but it's subtle and compliments most dishes imo.
The Ghost pepper grinder is seasonal but you can get an overpriced version of it on amazon
Have you tried the Trader Joe's ghost pepper flakes, or the FlatIron I cant feel my face?
If you have how does that compare?
You can order it on Amazon.
I think they discontinued it in alot of stores because I've only been able to find it once or twice a while back. You can get em off Amazon for like $10 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QBN01QI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Cu9pEb8BS5PQ7
I have one of these at home... put it on my pizza and some other dishes