From a performance standpoint, you will be much happier with a standalone antenna for each band. GMRS uses small enough antennas that is is feasible to hide one someplace. Again, higher is better.
As others have said, a vertical base station antenna for CB will be 18+ feet tall. If you have HOA restrictions, you have to be creative.
A discone antenna allows transmit with no gain, so not that great, but can cover a very wide range of frequencies. Something like this one. Remember my caveat though: it's better then nothing, but it still isn't all that good. A discone is awesome at receive, but not very good at transmit. I need to make sure to set expectations here.
Like all antennas, it needs to be as high up in the air as possible. It probably won't work inside an attic for transmit as there is too much metal (nails, shingles, HVAC, electrical conduit) in the attic. All antennas work best when outdoors.
You may want to also consider a flagpole antenna if your HOA will allow you to install one. It looks like a regular vertical flagpole, but has an antenna element inside the tube. You can even use it to fly a flag.
This is a highly directional antenna designed to cover the 470-860 MHz. This isn't going to work well for RX across the dongle's 24-1700 MHz range. For your price range, your best bet is a discone. Something like this:
For an additional $50, I put one of these on a 30ft pole mounted to my chimney. Excellent results. With my BF I can hit repeaters 25 miles away:
I actually have a knock-off of the D3000N waiting to go up. It's a Tram 1411 (amazon link, no affiliation). I haven't had a chance to put it up yet, hopefully next week or the weekend after.
An old 'airband' radio, OK.
Just for your information, that radio is no longer legal to transmit on in the USA, even if he is licensed. The FAA now requires a much more 'precise' frequency control.
As for an antenna, a VHF 'discone' antenna like for use with scanners will work perfectly with it. Something like this :
From where I live in central Florida, I can hear every aircraft in flight for about 300 miles around me...
That's a challenge, I can't hear repeaters from that far away even with my NA-771. Are you looking to stay portable or can you put up an antenna outside? A simple scanner antenna would work.