I just put on of these (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DWHFP6G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) on my truck. Seems to receive a little better than the mag mount I had (another Tram of some variety). There are a number of others out there from radio “name brands” like Larsen and others. Reviews are generally mixed across the board, and you have to be careful about any tinting or coating on the class. A lot of cars use a tint with a metallic particulate in it that kills these things, so it may work, or may not. I’ve also read that the adhesive on some of them doesn’t deal well with the elements sometimes. I put a bead of silicone around the edges, but I haven’t had the antenna long enough to know if it’ll do any good.
How about a completely different approach? This Tram through-glass dual band antenna: https://www.amazon.com/144mhz-440mhz-Amateur-Glass-Mount-Antenna/dp/B07DWHFP6G I have one and it works well. Very flat SWR on both bands.