Here's the kit I last bought in the us. (non-affiliated)
Cool cuz it comes with the growing tray.
Toyops is coo cuz they have the gauruntee, and will send you a replacement package 'if yours die' cough.
Hobby lobby sells a more basic kit for 10$ but they always have a 40% off single item coupon on their website that you can just pull up on you're phone and have them scan at the register.
$10 us good buy and fast delivery!
It was really barebones- Triassic Triops
There is a triop growing kit on amazon: Triassic Triops
(You can look at my account to see my progress with the kit) And I just started 2 days ago and the triops are growing great. It includes all you need, and the instructions are very clear. But I would suggest a bigger tank (the instructions tell you what to do if you get a bigger tank) when they are adults. It includes baby and adult food but you can also feed them carrots and cooked cauliflower with nothing on it. Or buy brine shrimp, hatch them, and feed it to the adults. Natural spring water worked for me, but if not, try dechlorinated tap water, or distilled water.
Here is a link to a triop care sheet: MyTriops - Triops Care Sheet