Kawhi's choice of foam roller , for anyone interested.
Not great for beginners or anyone looking for a full-body solution, but my go-to for anything related to the leg.
You mean something like this?
I had a foam roller, and then I got the triggerpoint as a present. I do like the triggerpoint a little better, but both do the same basic job. One thing is, I don't like the feel or texture of foam. The triggerpoint is kind of flexible, which is nice, and it has a nice surface that you can kind of grip onto with your toes, if that makes sense. But mine is cracking a bit, I think because I stand on it sometimes ...
Overall I'd say both serve the same basic purpose, but if you really like foam rolling, then maybe it would be worth it to spring for the triggerpoint one.
Incorporate usage of a foam roller into your daily life. It will help loosen your muscles so that you may stretch. You can find cheap ones on Amazon ($20) but I recommend this sturdy one:
TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller with Free Online Instructional Videos, Original (13-Inch), Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0040EGNIU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_zfwZCbCTAK2QV
Watch some YouTube videos on how to roll out your muscles. I have tight hamstrings and It's a very helpful tool for me. Good luck to you.
I had a similar problem when I started playing last year and ended up with a kind of random solution. I just had one of those metal folding chairs and it wasn't really the right height for my keyboard. So one day I started sitting on the foam roller that I use and actually like it so much I haven't changed it and use it every time I practice. Even thinking about using one at work eventually.
Try to get some time on an inversion board. It doesn't need to be steep, even a 10 or 15 degree decline will start stretching your back out and decompressing your spine.
I also love using a Trigger Point Foam Roller
You want something firm where it won't give, but you do not want any of the bumpy parts sticking out - you can absolutely impede your recovery if you go too hard on your muscles during active SMR. On the pain scale, when you're working on yourself, you do not want to go above a 7 unless you're a trained physical therapist or massage therapist. Use the foam roller for long leg muscles.
Also, two lacrosse balls - I place one on either side of my neck and do a backbridge and slowly bring them down to the base of my spine, then re-position and dig into my glutes. Also, if you take one lacrosse ball and cram it between your backbone and scapula and life your arm from your side straight up over your head you can loosen the scapulae which will aid in more free-moving shoulders, neck, and pecs.
I've definitely worked out a lot of cumulative problems resulting from injury and overuse.
I've tried them all and would say the best one is the pvc core with a 1/2" layer of foam around it. Going straight pvc can be a bitch if you roll over a nerve or bone and the all foam ones are too mild.
Something similar to this: TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller with Free Online Instructional Videos, Original (13-inch) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0040EGNIU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_zdSBxb9NZJTN6
I second the foam roller. The one I have isn't actually foam: here . Also, I do a lot of stretching after working out. 15 to 20 minutes worth. It really helps.
> Does foam rolling have to be done directly before/after your workout
Nope. Any time is fine. Some people like to foam roll before bed. I'm finding I like to foam roll after I lift, so I log this guy around.
I never went back to my chiro after I bought a foam roller. Plus, I can use it anytime I feel the need. Well worth the $ I spent on it. I use one similar to this: http://www.amazon.com/Trigger-Point-Performance-Revolutionary-Roller/dp/B0040EGNIU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1398485672&sr=8-2&keywords=foam+roller
You can search Amazon or wherever you shop for "foam roller" and it'll pull up something like: https://www.amazon.com/TriggerPoint-Roller-Instructional-Original-13-inch/dp/B0040EGNIU/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1475067270&sr=8-8&keywords=foam+roller.
So you want to roll your butt? Sit on and shift your weight to move the roll.
Here's another article with good visuals: http://greatist.com/fitness/how-foam-roll-pro.
I don't really have any experience working out as a non-keto person, but as a keto person who was entirely new to working out, it took a while to really get used to working out and find what my body best responds to. So for me those electrolytes are paramount and I have them before and after the workout. Always hitting the protein every day. I also take a hydrolyzed collagen supplement daily and when I've stopped doing that, noticed a distinct difference in the recovery rate of my muscles.
Another thing I notice that makes a huge difference is proper warm ups and cool downs and stretching, never enough stretching for my body. After I started using a foam roller consistently I really noticed a lot of improvement in muscle recovery. I even got a set of massage balls to hit my calves, hamstrings, shoulders, neck and back better and they're fantastic. The spiky ball is good to brush your cats with so they feel included in your rolling around on the floor.
>Is this simply false?
In my very limited experience it is. My body does just fine running on ketones and fat. And of course, unless you're fat adapted already, athletic performance will suffer until you are.
I tried rucking for awhile. Then I realized it hurts my neck so I got rid of the weights I was strapping to my back like I was some kind of a mule and stopped rucking and that was a great upgrade for me. But really, when I started walking for fitness, I went to a local athletic store and got a gait assessment and then shoes that really helped my entire body immensely during walking. I had been wearing the wrong size shoe with the wrong configuration for my feet.
Two other things I don't know how or why I ever lived without are my foam roller and my massage balls. I use these things every day and would be totally lost without them now. I even take the big ball and the lacrosse ball to work to jam them behind my back if I have to sit at all. Feels like heaven.
I love this one which is almost just like the one you mentioned. I love my foam roller and honestly do not know how I lived without one for so long. I also love this set of balls. The big ball and the lacrosse ball go with me to work to use if I have to sit in my chair. I lay on these things all the time and get the best massages in the world.
My quads used to be the tightest bitches in town. Then I got a foam roller and a set of massage balls. I started doing quad tack and roll very slowly every day and I cannot express to you how many knots that got out of my quads. Didn't even know they were there, but lo and behold, doing those exercises consistently has helped immensely. For my hamstrings, I roll them using the big massage ball in that set. For the calves, the lacrosse ball. Absolutely amazing. This foam rolling is in addition to all the stretches I do. This might help you, too!
My holy grail are this foam roller and these massage balls particularly the big one.
I do not know how I managed to live my life without daily foam rolling but I will never put myself through that again!
I really like this Trigger Point one: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0040EGNIU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_Ir-SFbGXG4PWV
/u/akthe_at posted some articles below that are probably more scientific... I'm not a doctor or physical therapist, but I definitely can feel the benefits afterwards - less soreness, more range of motion and quicker recovery.
I started out by buying a very spongy foam roller, but my body quickly adapted to it, and it didn't do much for me. I moved onto use the Grid (http://www.amazon.com/Trigger-Point-Performance-Revolutionary-Roller/dp/B0040EGNIU)
That works well for some areas, but still too soft on others. So I ended up getting a PVC pipe ($6 or so from Home Depot) as well as the MobilityWOD SuperNova (http://www.roguefitness.com/mobilitywod-super-nova).
If you start foam rolling, your body begin to adapt to it as well (or at least mine did).
I really have no idea, I've never used a massage gun. I love my foam roller though, and I feel like it has made a huge difference for me. So has consistently doing donkey kicks, frog pumps and these exercises before doing my hip thrusts.
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A great gift I just got via Reddit secret Santa was a nice foam roller like this one
welcome. you could try getting an inversion table and use it before you know what. and maybe again sometime during the day, every day. sometimes they help, sometimes not. if your muscles get really tight. pulling on them from inversion can make things worse. I know people that swear by them though. inversion kinda made me worse till I stopped using it.
what helped me the most was foam rolling with one of these:
and working on my glutes like here:
There are three things you need in your arsenal:
A hard foam roller
A stick (like the one you linked to)
You can get to your whole boy with these three items.
This is myofacial release we are talking about; you will only get flexibility gains from this if you have trigger points that are inhibiting flexibility.
this one, worth every penny: http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0040EGNIU
Here's one for europeans. Amazon UK Black Friday has a Grid Therapy Foam roller for 14.99 today
Is Amazon an option?
I have a Grid(tm) foam roller. It's super stiff, but it's not real wide. My physical therapist recommends it because you have to isolate sides.
Wider roller: http://www.amazon.com/Fit-36-Inch-Hi-Density-Foam-Roller/dp/B0028KDC82/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1323967531&sr=8-4
If you're feeling manly: http://www.amazon.com/Rumble-Roller-Round-31-OPTP/dp/B000FDB7CW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1323967570&sr=8-2
Hey just wanted to say thanks for all the help.
One last question though, if I'm going to start foam rolling (which you suggested and Chad Smith suggested as well) which ones are the best to get?
Should I get those pool noodle thingies or should I get some of those bigger more gimmicky but professional looking ones like this?
Thanks man!