> my experience the desktop UPS batteries are typically only about $5 cheaper than buying a new UPS
Really? I have a Tripp Lite which was 160 USD when I purchased it three years ago.
Batteries finally died (we lost power about 20 times due to a bad feeder since I purchased the UPS), cost me 40 bucks to replace.
Ummm, what’s and RDS?
I’d recommend a Tripp-Lite UPS and a portable investor generator.
I like this UPS model, I have 6 of them
Tripp Lite SMART1500LCDT 1500VA 900W UPS Battery Back Up, AVR, LCD Display, Line-Interactive, 10 Outlets, 120V, USB, Tel & Coax Protection, 3 Year Warranty & Dollar 250,000 Insurance Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009TZTGWK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_C4KEXT3B7SY4D3T7TPQH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the UPS I use. They are a little pricey but you can easily replace the batteries when they fail in 2 to 3 years. Plus the LCD gives you lots of good info on runtime remaining, etc.
Tripp Lite 1500VA 900W UPS Battery Back Up, AVR, LCD Display, Line-Interactive, 10 Outlets, 120V, USB, Tel & Coax Protection, 3 Year Warranty & Dollar 250,000 Insurance (SMART1500LCDT) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009TZTGWK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_hiWlFbZS37M0Q
I use this one, I know you said you needed more power but just wanted to give my experience.
So far I've had 0 issues, powers my R710, network switch and a whitebox server build running FreeNAS. About 3.3 amps, or like 350 watts.
The extra VRAM is something that you will appreciate as games use more and more of it with every new release.
The Corsair is a better option.
Also look into a good surge protector, or even a UPS if you can afford one. They are worth it.
I personally used Tripplite. Mainly because it was a good price point buying it from Costco. Seemed fairly solid compared to some others I've tried in the past. The Tripplite from Cosotco was a Smart1000LCD. Bought a second Tripplite from Amazon a Smart1500LCDT.
This thread also made me realize I've had these guys far longer than some of the other brands I've used in the past
I think one of them is going bad as it can't handle a brownout under any load. I can't remember if it's the older of the two or newer of the two. The older one is probably near 4 years old. Checking the warranty, the newer is just under 3 years old (1 week left on the 3 year warranty)
Some of the other brands I've tried before were cyberpower, APC and some other cheap brands. They didn't last me over a year. To be fair though, they were the cheap under $60 models, and likely couldn't handle the load from a 750w psu w/ peripherals. So you do get what you pay for.
The last cyberpower I had used a shitty non standard battery and stopped working like a year later on my home PC. I wouldn't recommend them. I ended up purchasing this TrippLite ups which can also handle 500va more than the one you had linked.
Can't you fix the wiring or something or only use the hairblower in some other part of the house?
Well, you could UPS like this and it should run the PC for an hour or more when the blackout happens or something
That being said I don't really know shit about UPS
I second Tripp-Lite. I have several of these for my ONT, Router, Wireless AP's, TV's/Streaming rigs, and Fish tank.
The battery is generally what goes in all UPS'es -- Enterprise grade or not -- in about 2 to 3 years. This model has a very user accessible and easily swappable battery. I've changed the battery in 2 of my 3 units so far.
These might be overkill for what you need, runs my networking gear for 60-90 minutes. This is plenty of time for me to get the generator out and wire things up.
Buy a nice UPS for your ONT, Router, etc.
Tripp Lite SMART1500LCDT 1500VA 900W UPS Battery Back Ups
My FIOS is way more reliable than my power. Never missed a beat through hurricane Sandy and others. And much more reliable than using cellular in a storm.
I run a proper UPS on mine. It also serves my router, switchgear, wireless access points, and other networking components. Keeps everything running for an hour or two until I get the genny out,
Tripp Lite 1500VA 900W UPS Battery Back Up, AVR, LCD Display, Line-Interactive, 10 Outlets, 120V, USB, Tel & Coax Protection, 3 Year Warranty & Dollar 250,000 Insurance (SMART1500LCDT)
You should not even consider buying anything in the $30-$100 range. Get one of these.
Always have your expensive electronics on a backup power supply for safety.
Anyone serious about their PC should have a real UPS. Peopel will spoend thousands on a gaming rid and forget this important step.
Had a friend with a PC that would crash and crash all the time. Turns out his house wiring was flaky he bought a UPS and as soon as he hooked up the UPS it started alerting to bad line voltage conditions. Had an electrician come out and take a look and there was some corroded wiring in the wall.
You need so size it right for your system, but a decent one is still under $150.
Nice build. I'd recommend an UPS or at least a better surge protector.