This is the one I bought. It's not that comfortable but it's cheap and it works. I like the one headphone so I can use an earbud in my other ear to talk on discord. We can always talk through discord without a PS4 mic as well.
I'm in search of a single-sided bluetooth over-ear headset for talking on the phone. I haven't had much luck thus far, only finding dual-sided over-ear bluetooth headsets for gaming, or wired headsets like this: Turtle Beach Recon Chat
It doesn't have to be impeccable sound quality as it will only be for talking on the phone, not gaming or music. Ideally it will be under $40, but if that's not available then I can budge on that.
I am even fine with hacking up a bluetooth dual-sided headset by cutting off one ear, or adding a bluetooth dongle to a wired one (ideally the former method if I'm doing one of these). In the case of either, I would just like to know if anyone has experience doing either of these and can say if the modification worked.
Thanks in advance!
friend me. I play regularly but am a moderate level player. However, I have some experience in FPS and am a chill person. ps4 sheldor__82. two underscores. Also, check this out turtle bay is not that bad.
These are my favorite, but I listen to game audio via tv/amp
I guess I assumed you were referring to a comm of this style:
Ps4 overwatch has a communication problem. Let's look past all the other shit for a moment, such as reaper being practically invincible, and the new insta-kill death ray that sym is sporting after the most recent round of updates, and focus on the one thing that would make this game a lot more enjoyable:
Get your fucking mic out and use the fucking thing.
Don't have a mic? Get one of these: Turtle Beach TBS-3345-02 PS4 Recon Chat Headset
I have one, and it's great. It's cheap and plugs in to your controller, so it doesn't need to be charged. Has a mute button when you want to scream at your significant other/your dog/your kids/etc.
Even if it's just a call out here and there, I don't expect you to be just spitting out information all the time, but if you aren't on mic, or at least in chat so you can hear those of us who are, you're putting your entire team at a disadvantage right off the hop. We can't strategize with you when you can't hear us. Oh hey, we want to go around back on volskya with a sym tp, but you're charging alone thru the main choke and getting destroyed, spamming that you need healing (genji I'm looking at you bro), and then when we lose you find your mic and start shit talking all of us. Or maybe we don't need a hamster and a roadhog, one of y'all need to go shield tank. But blame the backline healers when they're getting shredded having nothing to hide behind and you're not 'getting healz' as a result.
I realize that you were probably on mic once and someone hurt your feelings or something and now you've sworn off voice chat because of those salty fucks that once wronged you, but going all lone wolf in a game mode that requires teamwork is nothing short of maddening for the rest of us. I have a regular group of friends that play, and the 3 or 4 of us are always in chat if we're in comp. It's frustrating to say the least when the only thing stopping us from getting wins is lack of communication. It's pretty much killed overwatch for me, and I doubt I'll be playing it once borderlands 3 drops. I can live with the other glaring problems that overwatch has, character imbalances mostly, but I simply can not deal with the lack of communication between team members any more. It's ruined overwatch for me.