No, that is not the big recommendation. RainX is not designed for that type of a surface and it is not even remotely durable. Here's a MUCH better product if cheapness is your goal. It'll last through winter. A lot of pro detailers recommend it as the best low cost bang for your buck hydrophobic product. I use it on my hood while I'm waiting to find time to get it PPF'd.\_Ounces/dp/B07NW9D8FG/
Ceramic coating, wax, sealant. There’s a lot of ways.
I highly recommend this product from turtle wax. Leaves are really nice hydrophobic shine on the car. When using this, rain is basically a free car wash.
Turtle Wax 50984 ICE Seal N Shine Hybrid Sealant Spray Wax-16 oz, 16. Fluid_Ounces
There’s also quick detail sprays that are good for quick rinseless wipe downs.
All the talk currently is turtle wax Ice seal and shine. I just put the 2020 version on my dads car and it was super easy to apply. Bonus is it is the cheapest by far as you only use so little of it. This is the 2020 version Walmart and CT have the previous version for 15 bucks as well
It can go months! Really depends on how much you drive it, how much it rains, etc. The thing is it’s so easy to apply you can do it every wash or every other wash. I use it as a drying aid after a wash. Usually every 3-6 weeks with my wife’s (daily driven). It holds up so well with my 2door (non daily) I can go 6 weeks without a wash and it’s still shinning with months of protection left to go. Copied the link on amazon it has a good rep among professionals! Also remember if you decontaminate your paint every wax/sealants durability goes no where but up.
Turtle Wax 50984 ICE Seal N Shine Hybrid Sealant Spray Wax-16 oz, 16. Fluid_Ounces
This is really good too: Turtle Wax 50984 ICE Seal N Shine Hybrid Sealant Spray Wax-16 oz, 16. Fluid_Ounces
How often should I be applying a wax like this?
I also got myself Opti-seal - should I use them simultaneously?
GAAAK! I did a strip wash then used ice and shine by turtle wax on the top after I claybarred. Is that still as bad as an actual wax?
I used this on the sides of the car to give it a durable coat. I figured this would be to slick or pasty for the top, is why I just used a protectant. Only a few videos mentioned using alcohol so I didn't put it on my to do list.
Turtle wax ice seal n shine. It was easy to apply and remove. It hasn't rained yet so I don't know how well water will bead off yet.
Ty. The ice seal and shine is the spray bottle? About $9 on amazon? Link. This should be applied every 3 months?