I pressure wash my teal Ioniq and don't really have any issues. Just be sure as always to not pressure wash too close to the paint, as it'll chip off under too much force. I like meguiar's ultimate for use with the pressure washer. For a protectant, I added this instead of waxing it. It has made future washes a breeze, but takes two ish days to apply(and one to polish back down if you overdo it).
The Ioniq Guy on You Tube compared products and he says this is better than Rain X:
Do you know how is this different from the 3 or 5 year ceramic coating that most detail shops provide?
I was quoted $750 for a 3 year ceramic coating and $300 for wax and gloss. I am not sure how different they are compared to one of those wax sprays like https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XYPS3PS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I recommend Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating.
What the Meguiar's Ultimate Compound and any other rubbing compound does is remove a thin layer of material, which in this case is the clear coat of your paint by using very fine abrasive particles. Similar to how toothpaste works to clean your teeth.
This is why it is important to apply a wax or protective coating after using a rubbing compound because some of the clear coat is removed.
However, if the scratch is so deep that it has reached the base coat (the color of your vehicle) or even to the bare metal, then the rubbing compound will not remove the scratch. At this point, you would need the area sanded and repainted.
I would put PPF on the front bumper and the front section of the hood. I would not bother ceramic coating the car as there are hybrid products such as Turtle Wax Hybrid Ceramic Spray Coating that do a similar job for a fraction of the price. The downside is that you would have to apply the hybrid product more often.
However, at the end of the day, non of these products will protect against a dent or a hard impact.
It's an "issue" thjat should have been fixed w/ a wiper... The air just doesn't flow over the window due to the aerodynamics of the car.
This product is supposed to work the best to keep water flowing back there and improve visiblity:
I won't be able to test it for rain as it probably won't ran much in CA for another 8 months.
I bought it because it can be applied to all exterior surfaces to help protect paint and also keep those water droplets flowing off the windows.
If you're going to drive your car often, ceramic coating would be a waste of money. It does not protect against chipping, scratches, or scuffs. Ceramic coating is just a more durable wax coating and there are products on the market that would do a similar job.
For example: Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating
This stuff performs nearly the same as ceramic coating, except you'll have to apply more often as if it were a wax product.
Skip the PPF unless you're really anal about not having any small paint chips. However, I would recommend getting a ceramic coating to make washing bird droppings, bug splats, dirt off it much easier:
You'll save so much time in the long run if you apply 2 coats of this right away.
It looks like you've got a good basic supply list going. I can tell by the multiple buckets you know how to minimize swirls and scratches.
>I think I need to pick up a clay bar. Would you recommend a specific clay product? Thoughts on clay towels and whatnot?
The towels and sponges are supposedly more beginner friendly, but I've had plenty of luck with just tearing off a piece and kneading an old fashioned clay bar.
>I also need to wax, but not looking forward to wax-on-wax-off with a paste. I have no idea what's on the market these days. Anything you'd recommend that is easier to apply and remove?
I haven't tried it personally yet but Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating sounds like the solution for you. It has great reviews from a bunch of car detailing channels on YouTube. You should be able to find it and a clay bar in your local auto parts store.
>And finally, anything else you can add or recommend? Additional products?
I like to leave the hatch open while I dry the rest of the car and get to it last. Helps it drain and reduces the pool that can form on the back bumper. I'll also open and shut it a few times.
The Turtle Wax I linked to can be used on your wheels and will help with cleaning off brake dust and road grime during the next wash.
If you're going to be cleaning the tips with Bar Keepers Friend, pick up some chrome polish to as well. Again, it'll help with future cleanings.
Thanks for this tip. I’ve heard a lot of positive mentions for TW Ceramic Wax. May I ask if this is the right one: Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating - 16 Fl Oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3RAT49JCEJ5NHBXRTNT1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Wrapping and ceramic coating are not the same if that's what you're implying.
If you are looking at doing ceramic yourself, this stuff is really great and easy
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating - 16 Fl Oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_1P5WB57Q0A22CQ0NTAN9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Amazon, or Walmart. I got it at my local Walmart. There's probably other places that sell it locally as well. Cost me about $14
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating - 16 Fl Oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_DAW865E9Q57K7HMQN9CH
It has been holding up well in the rain. After washing I give it a quick hit of the <strong>Turtle</strong> Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating. It seems to help keep the water spots to a minimum and the car seems to stay cleaner. I also won't do any wraps or anything fancy. It's a car. It's not the first car I've owned. It's not the last car I will own. :)
I recommend getting Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating. It performs better than regular car wax and for the price, it's very good.
I've used Mother's Back to Black, it's very good stuff and I would use it to restore or protect any plastic trim you have. You can also use it on plastic pieces that are not black and in the interior of the vehicle.
I’ve used the repellent, it works well but personally Ive had better results with this:
And you can apply it to your whole car for a 6month-ish temporary ceramic coating.
Yeah. Ceramic is AWESOME. I was using mother's ceramic during the summer, but got a line up on another product on early release / testing... here's what I currently use & absolutely love it.
I started using Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions after seeing it on Project Farm. It is probably the easiest wax I ever used on a beater, and lasts a long while.
Hey! Is this it?
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating - 16 Fl Oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_AZvxFbFDYD0E2
I couldn't find it at Walmart, seems like they ran out. They had other 3 in 1's
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating - 16 Fl Oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JWAnFbGV6M727
I used this!
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating - 16 Fl Oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_TP4YG9RSTQDH0X8CS63M?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This one or a different one? I already applied this one rain ago.
Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions 53409 Ceramic Spray Coating is on sale for $12.97. Amazon link
Turtle Wax Ceramic Spray. Super easy to spray on and buff off, no residue.
something like this? https://www.amazon.com/Turtle-Wax-53409-Solutions-Coating-16/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=asc_df_B07XYPS3PS
I had a brand new 3 that would get scratched super easily and am prob gonna get a new CX5 soon
Sure thing!!
The weekend after I brought the car home, I performed a regular was using Ethos Foam Party pre wash and foamed again for the contact wash (I since added their ethos ceramic shampoo as a maintenance contact wash). You’ll need a pressure washer if you want to foam or you can try a water hose connection one.
After that, I used the Ethos Detox spray to remove anything the dealer washed the car with. Luckily they didn’t add any imperfections to the paint, at least none that I can notice. Didn’t polish as it didn’t really need it. The black a/b pillars tho are a different story!
I then applied Turtle Wax Ceramic Spray Coating the weekend after brought her home. Didn’t polish as it didn’t really need it. The black a/b pillars tho are a different story!
topped with Turtle Wax Spray Wax every other month
at the 6 month mark, I used used the iron decon from ethos
Still beads like crazy (sorry should’ve took a video of it) and pretty impressed with turtle wax’s ceramic products and ethos maintenance products! White cars are so much easier to maintain!
Not worth it. Some other options for paint protection (ordered from most durable to least durable):
Note that you can apply your own full-on ceramic coat, but I didn't recommend it because the proper prep work and application may be a bit too much for someone new to the detailing hobby.
What are the differences between these two products? And when to use them?
Well, right now I use ceramic coating for the paint. I want to get the PPF (paint protection film), but I've seen videos where they use blades and it leaves scratches on the paint. But I want one so I can put my magnetic tank bag. I'm looking for reliable retailers who can do it properly.
If you're interested, you might want to check this out.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeMJnEYrDX4
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Just get this and apply it all over your car every 6 months
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating - 16 Fl Oz. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_4ZAGFF63EQEFD8JPJDME?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This one right?
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating - 16 Fl Oz. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_5M3X8MAWAREQP17DDTEQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating - 16 Fl Oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VZ93SSEE2E2SWWGQ5844?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Turtle Wax - Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating
Best bang for your buck ceramic like coating that you can get.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray C… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item&nbsp;Info | Bot&nbsp;Info | Trigger
A farmer on youtube said to use this ceramic coating after you wash.
For this kind of question, one of the best sources is Project Farm so long as he has covered the product. In this case, he has.
From his testing, go with Hybrid Soutions.
As to where to have it done, you can do it yourself with no special setup or expensive tools required. Just labor time.
After watching this video, I'm tempted to use this stuff on all my fiberglass. Probably going to take a long time and a couple of bottles?
So the coat I did isn’t necessarily a “professional” ceramic coat. It’s a spray that turtle wax makes that has the same sorts of sealants. The sealants In a ceramic spray are said to be a lot harder than just wax, and it’s supposed to last up to a year. To do a ceramic coating you first need to remove all contaminants from the paint. So I first polished it with a compound that leaves no residue, followed by a diluted degreaser soap bath to remove any oils. You know the tank is clean when water doesn’t bead up anymore.
Applying it is super easy and anyone can do it. It’s really only the prep that may be a little time consuming. The end result compared to before is a very wet looking wax that’s probability twice as smooth to the touch. Only time will tell how long it’ll last.
The whole reason I bought this specific sealant is because of the project farms video on ceramic spray coatings. I highly recommend it, he provides an unbiased and detailed comparison of each products’ performance; all with quantifiable tests.
Here’s the video on the different products
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_ukPQFb17S43RM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 cop
And that’s the one that performed the best out of all, which is the one I used.
Depending on your paint condition (I'd recommend a decon/clay/polish anyway) you might be able to get by with just a cheap sealant for $10 Walmart link, TWISS and a couple microfiber towels. Stupid easy to put on and should last for several months.
I've done two cars with it and the results are fantastic. I have CQuartz UK 3.0 (consumer level ceramic) ready to go for a third but I might just stick with the cheaper sealants. Jury is still out.
Turtle wax has a spray ceramic that should be available soon in stores that should give you a year's worth of protection after a couple coats. Amazon link
Otherwise White Glove / Executive Auto Detailing / etc should be able to give you an estimate. It won't be cheap. $800-$1600+ depending on level of correction needed and product used. Plus they'll want your car for a day or so for correction and the cure time needed on the ceramic since it can't be out in the rain until it's cured.
I wish I knew about this when my car was new.
Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XYPS3PS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It makes this crappy paint so much easier to live with.
I sprayed some of this on a towel and rubbed it on the camera.
Return both and use this once it comes out in a few days :) Turtle Wax 53409 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating