I am trying Turtle Wax Graphene Spray Wax which has UV blockers on my E-Pro. It's expensive, but easy to apply and can also be used on the glass and trim. It also makes it a breeze to wash off after a trip, especially bugs on the front.
For plastic stuff like the propane tank cover I use 303 spray. I also 303 the tires, but do have covers for them and the electric hitch.
I probably go to the extreme side of things, but I would clean it auto wash and microfiber, then use bug & tar remover with microfiber only as required to get the bugs off. I'd follow-up w/clay barring it, but that's me. In any case, after you have it completely clean apply a good coat of wax to it. I like Turtle Wax graphene spray because it's flexible, long-lasting, has UV protection to help with fading, and is super easy/quick to apply (I'm also lazy). But it's expensive. So, even a cheap carnauba wax from AutoZone or Wal-mart will be okay, too. Both will make it much easier to remove bugs and road grime going forward.
If I do nothing else when I get home from a trip, I give the front of the trailer a quick wash with auto soap and microfiber.
The wrap was ~$2500. It’s not perfect by any means but good enough in pictures 🥴🤣😂. I didn’t do the door jambs and the whole front clip is wrapped with PPF.
I didn’t do ceramic as I have with my previous cars in the past.
Instead I’ve elected for a DIY “wax”.
Seen good reviews on this, looks easy to apply and provides good hydrophobic properties
I used Turtle Wax Graphene Spray on my travel trailer which has a front window as well as a side window and it's been fine for 5 months now. It sits in the sun all day everyday, but of course doesn't have a windshield wiper.
On my truck I use some cheap liquid wax that's been in my garage for what seems like ages. I don't notice wiper action diminishing it at all, but a couple of good washes will start to weaken it. If and when I do a paint correction I'll probably put down the TW Graphene on the truck + glass, as well.
My philosophy is that life is complicated enough as it is to have a unitasker for glass when I already have multiple products that work at least as well (IMO).
I actually use this on my MYP. I’ve used it a number of times so far and works incredibly well. 1 main coat and then spray it on once a month before I dry the car. After a rain a leaf blower for only a few minutes will blow all the water off and look almost dry. It’s amazing stuff.
Turtle Wax 53477 Hybrid Solutions Pro Flex Wax, Graphene Spray Wax, 23 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P53V7KN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9TYTCS9DE44F00C93BYG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the case. I'd get it off and come back with a wax or coating with UV protection. I coated mine with Turtle Wax Spray Flex Wax which, besides being super easy to apply, has lasted since April and makes washes a breeze.
There isn't really a shortcut to properly cleaning/preparing your surface and then keeping some form of protection on it.
ceramic coating is just a way to steal money from fools who don't know better.
they don't last anywhere close to what the detailers claim and you have to pay a few hundred every year to keep it up.
a $25 bottle of wax will give you the exact same results, just with the caveat you have to spend some extra time applying it more often. not that it takes a lot of time for a well maintained car anyways.
That looks good. I had eyed that coating - there's just a bewildering array of options available today vs the old days of getting a tub of paste wax and going to town. I bought this graphene coating (usually $23) at the recommendation of a friend to coat my travel trailer and it was so easy and looked so good I did my truck, as well. Just spray it on while the vehicle is wet, towel dry, and buff any remaining product. I guess half the battle is just getting something on the clearcoat for protection.
If you just want a spray on wax, go with Hybrid Solutions Pro Flex Wax, Graphene Spray Wax.
If you want to upgrade your car wash game, use a rinseless wash with SI02 built in. Personally, I like Wolfgang Concours SI02 Rinseless Wash. No need to come back with a separate spray wax.
Not a big deal at all. Applied this stuff to the rear window and it’s worked great.
I applied Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Pro Flex w/ Graphene and the water rolls off and gunk doesn't stick. So far so good!
I use this and really like it. Very easy to apply and maintain.
Turtle Wax 53477 Hybrid Solutions Pro Flex Wax, Graphene Spray Wax, 23 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P53V7KN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_E47P1VG01ZZX1Y33MPWC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I'd probably scout out commercial car self-wash businesses close by and see if there is one that you could get in and out of. In any case, once you get it sorted out I can recommend two products going forward:
Deal link: Amazon
I'm interested to hear, too! I've been using a normal car wash solution and a soft brush, starting from the roof and working my way down. My buddy who is clinically OCD about keeping stuff clean and looking new recommended a graphene wax to me which is 4x what I usually spend on car wax, but it was super easy to apply to the fiberglass from the roofline down and can go on metal, glass, plastic, rubber, etc. It was super easy to wash the bugs off the front after a recent trip, but that's really true with any properly applied wax.
I don't know what I should be putting on the thick, rubbery top after cleaning, if anything.
I also walk around the trailer after washing and apply 303 protectant to any plastic trim like the LP cover, battery case, etc., and the tires. Probably overkill, but as I park at a storage lot and don't use a trailer cover I try to do as much UV protection as possible.
I've been using this stuff for a couple of months and it's spectacular. Also super easy to use. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08P53V7KN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1