I have to say, I don't enjoy the process. There's so much to do if you're detailing a car that hand waxing just gets in the way. But it's a business for me. That being said, I do take the trouble to use paste wax on my own vehicle. Why? Because of this particular paste wax. It's got 10 different carnuba waxes in it, Si02 and graphene. But what makes it superior to what I use on my client's vehicles (Wolfgang Uber SI02 Rinseless Wash) is the touch. The paint feels like it has depth to it when you touch it. It's incredible.
Save your safe time and money
Apply this every to 3 months
rinse car, spray on the wet and then rinse again or wipe (every other wash)
Currently in stock on Amazon
Turtle Wax 53737 Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Patent-Pending Graphene 75th Anniversary Paste Wax (5.5 oz) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08X1SX524/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WFK5RT5Q0YBG454TKV1R