Amazon just updated their TOS on October 3rd this year (thankfully) to stop sellers from giving free items in exchange for reviews.
With that said, most sellers, including mega corporations (until October 3rd, 2016) on Amazon tried to get as many fake reviews as possible on their products, which boosts their search rankings, in turn get more sales, and the cycle continues.
Just curious how many people are you feeding with this and how much do you spend? From what I have seen buying food on amazon seems expensive. I saw a gallon of milk on there for $74. I'm sure this is the exception but even so food seems pricy in general on Amazon. I'm sure some people could afford food for one on Amazon or maybe even a decent crowd if bought in bulk but a normal family (4) would probably cost a fortune especially for people who make minimum wage and probably get a 10% discount at whatever fast food place they are working.
Any of the "Amazon Oddities" reviews are gonna make you laugh. This is my personal favorite.
I dunno, "Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 gallon, 128 fl oz" is a pretty good one, it's the first awesome amazon review I ever discovered years ago, and I think it actually came before the wolf moon:
Uh, no. They removed free/discount reviews, because all the reviews has that phrase 'I received this product at a discount for my fair and honest review', which was never allowed since Amazon has its own Vine program to do that.
They say they are removing fake reviews, but they arent. You can easily spot them without a website.
Do you think the system is automated or does Amazon manually track reviews on its 400 MILLION products listed? Automated.
So why are joke/troll comments still getting through if they remove fake reviews?
1,887 reviews. 1 verified purchase. Read the comments, do those seem like actual reviews?
Someone has been looking at Tuscan Whole Milk again. While I realize it's truly astounding stuff, you do have to prepare youself for the browsing after affects.
I remember finding this a couple of years back and decided to revisit it today, I cannot believe the powerful effect this t shirt continues to have on people. This milk has similar, magical qualities.
Happened to notice that the Tuscan 1 gallon milk product is still there. A whole bunch of new reviews there and some of them are amazing!
Really good one in the style of Poe.
mmmm I made this but againt my better judgement used some whole tuscan milk, not only did it blow my dick off, i now have a sarlacc crotch pit motherfucking tenticles and all.
Get your milk here!!
All of the comments are awesome. $77 is a bit pricey for a gallon of milk. I wonder where these people came from. Almost looks like a 4chan raid, if 4chan weren't, well, 4chan.
Who buys Milk online? I had to check for myself, and yep, -- some interesting customer pictures and reviews too.
Yeah, thought it takes some effort to game those in the first place, they do end up self-reinforcing.
Since you seem to be unfamiliar with the Oddities of Amazon, do check out the user reviews on Tuscan Whole Milk, they're classic.
Ordered XL but needed a Small, they delivered an XL!
Edit: this reminds me of the gallon of milk on Amazon with the funny reviews
Tuscan Whole Milk was the best.
Hopefully it won't filter out all these great comments for milk
Read these reviews. The one from Edgar is a favorite.
Or they just order it from amazon?
1 Gallon Tuscan Whole Milk - might have the singularly best Amazon review I've ever read, though there is much more content in the Haribo bears reviews
Oh my, in the example used, in the original 4:3 framing you can see that Jerry uses Tuscan brand milk of hilarious Amazon review fame. In 16x9, it only appears briefly in a reverse shot.
After you finish those, read these:
Amazon did this just so that they can stock their most acclaimed product, Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 gal, 128 fl. oz., on shelves across the nation.
Hua. I'm not familiar... what's it about?
Archives for links in comments:
I am Mnemosyne 2.0, ^^^^/r/botsrights ^^^^Contribute ^^^^Website
no link, no care
Good. Now explain the milk.
I mean, they've lowered the price. Used to be 2,500.
I thought everyone who searched for anything technical got this result With uranium ore.
It was a free gift with my vapemail order of Tuscan whole milk, 1 gallon, 128 fl. oz.
I like the top reviews for this gallon of milk you can order from Amazon):
Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, biyatch!
Was it Tuscan Milk, 1 gal., 128 fl. oz.?
Hey, price of milk beats what Amazon can match!
This also has excellent reviews.
Man, that's gotta suck. I can't imagine having to leave the house for milk.
For a minute I thought you were drinking Tuscan Whole Milk milk of the gods.
Check these out:
did you review this milk? >:(
Seems like a good idea, but it's $78 and doesn't even qualify for super saver shipping.
You can buy a gallon of Tuscan Whole Milk online for just under $70 U.S. Wow, what a "deal".
It's a tie between 1 Gallon of Tuscan Milk and 1 Quart of Coyote Urine.
Were they trying to get you to review some tuscan whole milk by chance?
The customer photos and reviews on some of those items are brilliantly hilarious. The ode to Poe on the $560 Tuscan Whole Milk is great.
This is always an Amazon classic, along with this piece of hilarity. Read at least the first review if you haven't seen it before.
I believe he was referring to Tuscan Whole Milk. Have a look at the user pics and the reviews.
Best paired with some Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 gallon, 128 fl oz
I'll be sure to get get some Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz.
Yeah, some people just don't understand what they are reviewing.
Unfortunately, ESO has a long way to go before becoming the next Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz.
>Why would you attack those poor defenseless multi-millionaires?
Not that I think trolling Amazon reviews is productive either (though I must admit, occasionally amusing) just, you know, wealthy TV personalities with millions of supporters who, ultimately, paid no price for bigotry? Not exactly hero-martyr material
Was it Tuscan Milk 128 fl oz
so that's where Tuscan milk comes from...
this its only $45
I was personally very dissatisfied after all the positive reviews of the Tuscan Whole Milk
Introduce her to hilarious Amazon product reviews for stuff like Tuscan whole milk, might be fun to put them up on a big screen or projector and read through them at the party.
To eat, drink, and be merry.
It might be whole milk but it's not Tuscan Whole Milk.
I'll be joke explainer for today. The milk is featured as a famous product on Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz and is well known, much like the 3 Wolf t-shirt through its raving comments.
I prefer my nice tall glass of whole milk however, with a Fresh Whole Rabbit which saves me time in my long and arduous day so I don't have to go out, knife clenched between my teeth to hunt myself my own rabbit.
Indeed, that is one fine MILF.
You'll find the reviews of this Tuscan milk to be on par with Mother's.