If you are looking for a resource that has mnemonic devices for remembering the characters, then you may want something like this book.
If, on the other hand, you are looking for something that has correct character etymologies, you will need to do a bit more work. I have never found a source that is consistently 100% correct (here's hoping Outlier is as good as they say it will be).
For truly "correct" or historically accurate etymologies, you will need to deal with traditional characters and the simplification process.
Yellow Bridge (type character then click on "字源 Etymology" at the top-right)
Chinese Etymology (Not as good as it used to be)
康熙字典 KangXi Dictionary (Click on 全文檢索 then type the character you want in the left-hand side box, the click 搜查. Next, click the character you want on the left in red, if one was found. Lastly, click on the blue link 《按此查看原文掃描頁》to see the page you want from the dictionary)
說文解字 ShuoWen JieZi (My personal favorite. Type the character you want in "楷書". This does require some very basic knowledge of Classical Chinese, but you can usually find your way around it.)
Hope this helps some.^^
I have a book that I think would help that was on Amazon and DB also recommended it after I had bought it. It's not super expensive and it has a lot of explanation about language that isn't in apps and similar resources.
Introduction to learning Chinese
I hope this is of some help on your journey to cultivate in the Chinese language. :)
I got this one at the library and have found it extremely helpful: