Amen. Just sent my twin flame the book. By my gurus Jeff and Shaleia ! I love them so much they saved my union with my twin flame! I felt called to send it to him in my heart since we’re one consciousness. I’ve read it. I’m always reading it! He’s currently locked up. I’m doing the inner work in the mean time around him being locked up.
To be honest. When it comes to twin flames, astrology doesn’t impact that. So no worries there. For example they say Virgo and Aries aren’t a good match but my guru teachers Jeff and Shaleia are Aries and Virgo they are married twin flames in harmonious union . They have a forum that I’m in on Facebook if you’re interested they have all the support and details you need I promise you’ll literally feel at home there. I joined January 2021 they have a school just for twin flames (everyone has a twin flame perfect for them) pm me and we can talk, I’m in union with my twin! Basically when you find them when you find yourself (following your heart) so yeah when you choose to unite with them (it’s up to you to choose that in your heart you don’t have to wait for anything time is an illusion) you’ll feel at home and you’ll just automatically click. No worries about “does this person have all the desires I have?” You’ll know. Because you’re ONE (they are you) get it? Basically you see god as your ultimate lover. As he is omnipresent.
Jeff and Shaleia also have a bookI have it, this is literally the only book you need. You will see that for yourself when you read it as it speaks directly to your heart.
Welcome home :)
Hey no apology needed, just read I have the book I read it like all the time because it’s super healing and speaks to your heart as well as helps a lot. If you wanna know more pm me
How about Twin Flames? :)
You're very welcome :) The method I was referring to is explained in more detail in this book
It's a really guide foundation for your journey. Once I read it, everything made so much sense to me and I found a great deal of peace about the TF journey :)