Hopefully you speak Russian. Jews won't allow it to be translated to english and jews control all of the information that flows into western goyim minds.
Here come a long list of books that were never banned but claim to be for marketing purposes. Real banned books are ones you likely never heard of. Like 200 Years Together by well known author Solzhenitsyn. Publishers refuse to publish it.
Think about it. Available in Russia....but not the US.
Jews have a long history of hating on Russians and murdering millions of them. Just read Solzhenitsyn
for some strange (((reason))) the book on Amazon is available only in Russian, so maybe check the copy here
I don't understand, I acknowledge both.
Now watch this and rethink.
Now Jews are either behind communism and Hitler was right. Or....?
Evidence of subversion:
Ah, I assumed the quote was from 200 years together.