I got this one: Tyger Auto T1 Soft Roll Up Truck... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M1UTJ0E?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It’s designed for a Chevy Colorado, but it fits decently and for the price I’m not gonna complain. Didn’t want to get something super expensive since i’m planning on getting a bed rack on it next year anyway. Here’s a picture of it installed: https://imgur.com/gallery/O1I9FFc
I got a Tyger Auto T1 Soft Roll Up from Amazon because I wanted to have flexibility and didn't want to spend much. We took it a couple times to camp by the beach, one of which we had a massive storm fall upon us at night that blew a few canopies away and got our friend's tent all wet, but everything that I left inside the bed was perfectly dry the next day.
Granted, it's not a perfect fit, but I just had to adjust it a bit and it hasn't given me any issues.