There have been thousands of reports from reliable and reputable people within the military, NASA, astronomers, scientists, pilots and lay people from around the world over the past few decades that have no reason to lie (in most cases they report the incidents despite ridicule and potentially damaging their careers), backed up by evidence
NY Times reporter Leslie Kean, who broke the most read story on NY times last year about the 2004 incident that the pentagon were looking in to, has written an incredibly well-researched book about the phenomenon with exhaustive details featuring first person reports from across the globe. It is worth reading before you make up your mind about the occurance
True the field attracts cracked types and more often than not videos that we see on youtube are hoaxes and poor ones at that, but look beyond the bullshit and read actual articles from the French and Chilean government who research such incidents and it will astound you.
The Americans shape the global attitude to the phenomenon - possibly because it shows their incapacity to handle and understand at - and that attitude is one of dismissiveness and ridicule. Fair enough too, if you are the global superpower with complete autonomy over the skies, you don't want to admit you've got a situation you cannot explain. Better to investigate it privately and publicly ridicule it
Ultimately we have no idea what it is, could they be a modern myth as CJ Jung hypothesised in his book "Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies", similar to religious visitations through the years but seen through the prism of our scientific world view, or could they be interdimensional beings as French computer scientist Jacques Valle posits.
fuck knows, but it is interesting just a pity you can't talk about it without being seen as a lunatic.
It's actually fascinating because it's a Global Phenomenon and once you read books that have actual testimony and in 2 instances radar data of cases it's clear that something is going on. Objects that can travel over 13,000 MPH since 1940s. Objects that seem to be originating from the Ocean and not space.
The story of the Nimitz is weird as hell and once you read the book from Leslie kean who released the 2017 NYT ufo article it becomes even more clearer that every single country on this planet has had their own military encounter. This book has 2 instances of military pilots shooting at the objects
Leslie Kean is probably the best starting point.
Her UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record makes no assumptions and merely lists evidence of credible military witnesses from all over the world. It is a solid case for conclusions identical with the DNI UAP report.
Leslie is a veteran New York Times journalist who got interested in the subject after the French COMETA report was released.
I recently read 'UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record' and thought it was really good. Lots of cases with support from official documents from military organizations around the world, and also military persons' testimonies lending it a lot of credibility.
He gave a full story of how he felt during this encounter in this book and it's an incredible story. This object entered the military base and just hovered. His commander asked him to take this object down as they thought it was dangerous.
Object is able to easily outmaneuver him. Object is able to fly thousands of miles per hour and stop instantly. Move anyway it wanted and be resistant to gunfire. After attempting to shoot it a few times he had to land because of gas but was terrified he would get shot down and would look back to see if this object followed him back.
After landing he told his commander to send someone else to shoot it down. Everyone on the base decided to not do anything. This object stayed there for a few hours hovering over the base and then went straight up.
I wouldn’t have been able to make this recommendation in this sub a year ago, but now it seems even Sam is getting the hint on this topic.
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record by Leslie Kean
Leslie is a hard hitting journalist and broke this story in her famous 2017 NYT article. Highly recommended for skeptics.
It is not about facts, evidence or observation; it is about belief. It is a fundamentally anti-scientific viewpoint.
Here is a good place to start:
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
It is not about facts, evidence or observation; it is about belief. It is a fundamentally anti-scientific viewpoint.
Here is a good place to start:
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
Yes! This! Steven Greer is crazy, also avoid Bob Lazar (highly controversial).
I personally like Leslie Keen:
This book might be a fun place to start, give you some events as witnessed by what people would consider "credible" people.
I don’t consider Mick West and Thunderf00t who make money on debunking the UFO topic as the beacon of truth. There have been enough people coming out the last 3 years to show that it’s a real and valid phenomenon.
Once you read this book though it becomes clear that this is a worldwide phenomenon that dates back to pre-WW1.
Great you'd know that Nimitz isn't the only incident. You can read this book and learn that other Countries on this planet has had their own incidents and in some instances have shot at the objects. The objects range from Tic Tac Shape, Flying lightbulb shape, Circular shape, 3 Football stadium Sized Acorn Shape object.
Try picking up a book sometime? UFO's have been proven beyond reasonable doubt. What you're experiencing right now is known as cognitive dissonance. If you read UFO's by Leslie Kean you will know what I'm talking about. If the US Navy is confirming the existence of UFO's and you still won't believe it I don't know what to do for you.
Edit: there's the book I'm talking about. Sorry to be rude, but I'm so tired of ignorant people acting like they've debunked declassified military footage of a real UFO. It's not a satellite or a meteor. They tracked the nimitz with radar, it moved in and out of our atmosphere and showed obvious signs of intelligence.
The author of the NYT article, Leslie Keen, released a fantastic book on the subject called UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record. It includes contributions from high profile officials, including John Podesta, as well as witness testimony. Highly recommend.
That's a great question. I haven't really been able to come up with an answer other than "throwing off the enemy and causing them to focus efforts where they are wasted."
But with the preponderance of witness reports from high level military folks (like in this awesome book) I tend to think/hope that we are slowly getting the "real deal", or at least some form of it.
Think for a moment, what is more comforting. Knowing the government knows about these objects and tracks them? Or, knowing they can't do anything about them?
I am not saying they are extraterrestrial in origin. There are many things contemporary humans do not understand. Who can actually say if these are even craft? They could be living creatures, time machines, or cough swamp gas?
Something to take into consideration, these UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) have been present in most of human history. Alexander was scared of from flying flaming shields that flew in formation. Shields have a saucer shape. Now we have space ships so they must be just that! Well, I take a agnostic approach. These UAP are real, but that is all I know.
To say they are all hoaxes, sightings from drunks or debunkers is absurd.
I don't think it's what you're looking for but Leslie Kean was a major, recent investigator that got mainstream attention.
There's also the late John E. Mack who did a lot of research into abduction/ET encounters. Kathleen Marden is a prominent female researcher but I don't think she's a biologist or zoologist. I don't know much about her work.
Be weary of anyone who reduces this phenomenon to pure psychology or some sort of "cultural" construct. There is no end to the supply of people who will look for any explanation so long as they don't have to consider the literal one, and thereby risk the integrity of their belief system. Be weary also of anyone who promotes Sitchin's work as fact, as this is poor scholarship, and again, may be indicative of ulterior motives.
Hope this helps. Sorry if it isn't exactly what you were looking for.
Really? This book is the best I've come across on the subject. None other are worth reading, that I know of. Give it a try. Even if the whole thing is lies, it's a damned good piece of fiction.
>I am willing to consider any evidence
Actually sounds like you're willing to dismiss any evidence as fabricated. That's fine, you're entitled to your opinions and to declare whatever standards of proof or evidence you like, and you seem like a thoughtful (if ill-informed) person.
There's really no point trying to convince you. If you want to actually examine the evidence, you're welcome to invest the time and effort to do so. As a start, I would recommend reading Leslie Kean's <em>UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record.</em> Like you, she is hesitant to come to a conclusion regarding the ETH (Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis). Unlike you she has taken the time to judiciously examine the evidence and lays out some of it in this book.
Start with Vallee, Jacobs, Hynek, Hopkins (for abductions) and the Bowen books are good if you can find them. Keel's books because they are just a lot of fun to read. For something general and recent, Kean's book is a good starting point:
I don't know what to believe in sometimes, I just bought Leslie Keans book "UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record" just to see if they really have anything that cuts through the bullshit, and basically gives me a background to say okay, UFO's exist. Step 1 done. Step 2, what are they? Hopefully i can find out. Once i get done with the book i'm gonna try to start a discussion on r/UFOs subreddit.
Leslie Kean’s book is a great intro.
The following is a compilation of highly credible sources that approach the topic from an academic and/or scientific interest, with a high degree of acknowledged legitimacy or trust. The purpose is to provide a resource for people that contains as little as possible of questionable or discredited content, resources that could be used to convince sceptics that there is more at play than first meets the eye. The approach of only providing sources of high credibility or legitimacy is due to the preponderance of content within the UFO field, with the vast majority of it being of questionable reputation and highly muddied waters, often of fantastical claims without sources or evidence.
While the majority of this content is eyewitness accounts, the aim has been to provide eyewitnesses that are highly credible, as well as to show that this is an international, rather than merely American, phenomenon. Beyond eyewitness accounts, this compilation includes reports by government bodies or other highly credible institutions, as well as highly-vetted documentaries that approach the topic as factually and unbiased as possible.
However, I do want to recommend The Basement Office for some excellent ufo-related journalistic-style content.
If you are introducing someone to the UFO phenomenon, and they are highly skeptical, I’d start with:
James Fox’s documentaries are a must-watch. He’s made:
If you can only convince them to watch one, watch The Phenomenon, as it’s the most recent and imo the best put together - it’s also available for a price through Amazon and ITunes (I also highly recommend I Know What I Saw, but they’re all good).
If they would like to hear first-hand testimonies from high-ranking military and government officials from around the world, I can recommend the 2007 National Press Club Event .
If you’d like more specifically on the 2004 USS Nimitz Encounter, this YouTube documentary and channel has excellent content and interviews.
Lt Commander Chad Underwood, who shot the FLIR video, has a brief interview too.
Lt Ryan Graves has an excellent interview in the Kevin Rose podcast on the 2014-2015 USS George Washington encounters.
The following is a brief compilation of different governments' reports on the 'UAP phenomenon':
The one that got me into UFOs was the Chicago airport incident: Sadly there are no photos, but this is striking to me because the skeptical explanation really does not hold water IMO - nobody is going to mistake a cloud for a solid metal object.
In terms of sheer documentation and lack of alternate explanation though I think the Tehran incident is best. The best debunking I could find of it is here, but I don't find it very compelling:
For more along the same lines, Leslie Kean's book has a lot. (I've heard, I haven't read it myself.)
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record
Leslie Kean, 2010
UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites
Robert Hastings, 2008
The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs
Mark O'Connell, 2017
Flying Saucers over the White House: The Inside Story of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and His Official U.S. Airforce Investigation of UFOs
Colin Bennett, 2010
Strange Company: Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II
Keith Chester, 2007
Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-up (Revised and Expanded Edition)
Thomas J. Carey and Donalt R. Schmitt, 2009
Forbidden Science Series
Jacques Vallee, 1992-2019
UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry
Robert Powell and Michael Swords, 2012
UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Goverup, 1941-1973
Richard Dolan, 2000
UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-up Exposed, 1973-1991
Richard Dolan, 2009
Mirage Men: An Adventure into Paranoia, Espionage, Psychological Warfare, and UFOs
Mark Pilkington, 2010
Going for highly credible sources that approach the topic from an academic and scientific interest, with a high degree of acknowledged legitimacy or trust.
Depending on what type of person they are, I’d start with Leslie Kean’s book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, Government Officials Go on the Record, the NYTs 2017 article on the topic (which really broke it into the mainstream), and/or perhaps Commander Fravor’s interview on Joe Rogan or the piece on Vice News.
Once they’ve expressed interest in learning more, even if they retain their scepticism (which one should), James Fox’s documentaries are a must-watch. He’s made Out Of The Blue, I Know What I Saw and The Phenomenon.
If you can only convince them to watch one, watch The Phenomenon, as it’s the most recent and imo the best put together - it’s also available for a price through Amazon and ITunes (I also highly recommend I Know What I Saw, but they’re all good).
If they would like to hear first-hand testimonies from high-ranking military and government officials from around the world, I can recommend the 2007 National Press Club Event .
If they’re less documentary-minded and more academic/like to read, there’s the French government’s COMETA Report, the works of J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallée, as well as a multitude of other resources that I can provide given some time.
Hope this helps!
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
Leslie Kean
But really, if you are interested in learning more these two are absolutely where to start:
[Book] UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
[Documentary] The Phenomenon
Both of these highlight some of the most compelling and still unexplained cases in modern UFO history from around the world. Everywhere from Iran to Zimbabwe to Alaska to Chicago O'Hare Airport.
When you read Leslie Keans book it becomes clear that it’s simply impossible for it to be Russian and Chinese.
Leslie Kean UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
I've read some of the books by Vallee and Kean, which I highly recommend on the grounds of entertaining writing alone.
Here is the NYT reporting on the ongoing debate about further government disclosure after publicly acknowledging UAPs.
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
Both argue that the UFO phenomenon is extremely well documented.
There is also a report about UAPs published by the US government.
Hope you enjoy friend! All excellent reads.
It's a lot of saturation in the phenomenon. You gotta parse through 99% bullshit made up stuff to find the real stories. How do you parse fact from fiction? The best stories of confirmed sightings are ones given by expert eye witnesses. Military personnel, government experts, aircraft pilots, police officers, Air traffic control, etc. People who face ridicule for lying about what they saw. Even better are the stories with these expert witnesses and backed up by radar or other technologies.
There has been some effort of world governments to disclose information regarding UFOs, or rebranded as UAP, Unidentified Area Phenomenon to avoid the obvious connotations of little green men. Here are some links to various occasions of the events with good evidence (expert eye witnesses, radar, etc) Note that these aren't random people with cell phones but world leaders and sophisticated militaries having no idea what they encountered.
Official UFO Report detailing various encounters from the Pentagon:
Here's a vox article with quotes from Obama about the phenomenon, more details about the report and the (confirmed by the Pentagon) incidents that were leaked on video of jet fighter pilots encountering UAP.,_D.C._UFO_incident
Multiple confirmed sightings of UAP over DC over the course of two weeks. Confirmed on Radar and jet fighter pilots, multiple expert and non expert witnesses, jets were sent to chase the objects and visually observed.
Another group of incidents that lasted months around Belgium area. Multiple incidents with dozens of expert and hundred of non expert witnesses, radar, and fighter jets.
Military personnel stationed in England report multiple incidents of UFO encounters. These were low flying craft with multiple expert witnesses reporting the craft itself landed. Burn marks were noted at the supposed landing sight, as well as increased radiation readings in the area.
Multiple aircraft personnel, pilots, etc, at O'hare Airport reported a UFO hovering just above the airport. There are pictures and video of this object. It did not show up on Radar and was reported to be completely silent. It shot straight up away after a few minutes.
Hundreds of witnesses across Phoenix reported a large triangular object silently moving over the city. Multiple photographs and video were taken, but the quality isn't great. The governor at the time famously made a press Conference and made fun of the sighting, but years later admits he also saw the object and has no explanation for it.
Airforce Captain claims in 1966 he was present at a nuclear launch facility where A UFO appeared and they lost the ability to launch the missiles for a time.
Also an Air Force Nuclear Missle Targeting Officer, reports multiple occasions of having to restart several missiles after they were deactivated when UFOs were sighted nearby.
Theres more credible events out there, including disclosed documentation from most major governments (France, Britain, Russia) of various involvements with UFO/UAP. I recommend checking this book out for more info on the best cases and expert witness testimonies:
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
You should start reading this book. ( and watch some well-made UFO documentary like The Phenomenon (2020) and Unidentified: Inside American UFO Investigation (2019-2020/ 2 Season).
All of these are good material for people who want to catach up with UFO/UAP topic in 2021.
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
the govt has actually said that the reason was to not cause a panic about what the govt did not have an explanation for
i'm not sure what you're talking about hicks in fields for, but these are military witnesses on 60 minutes, and there's no shortage of military witnesses and accounts going back a century.
> this bullshit doesn't show up anywhere else in the world
um, i mean, the french govt studied it. they concluded there was something real and tangible to the phenomenon, under intelligent control and that there was very little possibility it could be manmade.
so have many other governments.
Flying Saucers have been sighted since before people had flying machines and it impacts every single country on this Planet.
This an amazing website to learn all the cases and government agencies across the world that have declassified their files before the USA.
This is possibly the best book on the topic that has high ranking government officials from multiple countries go on the record.
Journalistic Sources
So the 60 Minutes segment that has Rubio on does a decent run-down of events:
This all began with the New York Times article by Leslie Kean et al:
The New York Times has published further articles on the subject:
In 2021, Ezra Klein had an opinion piece that is more philosophical in nature but worth the read:
He based his piece on an investigative article in the New Yorker - the podcast for it is interesting to listen to, and I prefer it over the article itself, but I will link both:
Government Officials, Military and Pentagon Sources
Leaving aside the articles and write-ups that do a good job cataloguing the events, let's look at the U.S. government and former military personnel.
The Pentagon officially releasing the videos in 2020 of the 2004 Nimitz Incident and the 2014-15 USS Roosevelt Sighting and acknowledging their authenticity.
An hour-long interview with Lt. Ryan Graves on his experience
Christopher Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations and later for Security and Information Operations, as well as the Staff Director of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, interviewed publicly on the topic of 'UAPs' and Stars & Stripes (DoD-based independent Military newspaper)
If you're interested in more eye-witness testimony from government officials and military across the world (I know you find it unreliable, but there's a preponderance of similar types of events happening globally), as well as government reports from other countries:
The following is a brief compilation of different governments' reports on the 'UAP phenomenon':
It might be interesting for you to note that the UK government concluded that these phenomenon are real but likely hitherto unknown natural phenomena - if that is the case, it should definitely be studied openly and without ridicule. The French government concluded that the phenomenon is real as well, but did not speculate as to its origins.
There's a tremendous amount of evidence. Here's a good book that I just finished which you might want to check out:
And that's really just the tip of the iceberg. There are people in our govt and private corporations that have absolute proof and congress is serious about disclosure.
Do the research and come up with your own conclusions. I started out as the biggest skeptic but gradually came to conclusion that we are not alone.
I had already stated that it’s not proof, but that the fact that a group of scientists assembled by a major government felt that was the most likely hypothesis is relevant in the context of the study of ufos, and at the very least highly suggestive that we have been lied to about the significance of such incidents, especially the way our own nsa talks about it in the document I provided.
The thing is, there is real evidence. Take a pick of any of those incidents I repeatedly mentioned, and research them. All evidence points to the government having no control whatsoever. Whatever they are, they are something, and they are something that is under intelligent control. Whether that’s ET or something interdimensional, or even something from here that we don’t know about, I couldn’t say. All I did was give credence to what I was saying about governments’ (including our own) actual positions on these subjects vs how it was treated in public.
The point of being a skeptic is to analyze the evidence. So until you have, I don’t think anyone can really even make a (still not proof) judgement call one way or other. But as I’ve said repeatedly, real evidence is out there. It’s just a matter of being willing to consider it, or not. Nothing will be proof until you see one up close or the government gives proof. Because the government’s official position is at this point the same as mine: “these are real, we don’t know what they are, and they’re not ours.” And documents show that’s pretty much been their position since the 40s
And I’ll also point out, the hypotheses in the COMETA report are no more speculative than enrico fermi’s in his famed paradox.
Somehow I highly doubt that we had or have this extreme type of technology that has been credibly witnessed for 100 years. That would be a huge scandal in and of itself though, because that technology would be being suppressed and whatever energy source would power such a craft would greatly benefit humanity.
I think it’s far more likely that the government didn’t want to admit it didn’t have control of its airspace. Many of the most credible sighting are by military personnel who worked with nukes. There are mountainloads of shit out there. But between the phoenix lights, rendlesham, Tehran, the navy tic tac, and a few others, there is a lot of credible evidence out there that this tech is beyond our reach.
There are only a few good docs though, most of what is out there is chariots of the sky ancient aliens bullshit. But the best in my opinion is “I know what I saw”, although it’s pretty hard to find. There’s also Leslie kean’s book: UFO’s, which comprises only of military and expert witnesses. Highly recommend both to get a full picture of the actual evidence that’s out there
If you want to know about similar events read (at some point the entire air force top at several South American countries were pretty convinced we were being visited):
And look into Tehran 1976 event
This is the most sober and non - nutty source I've found. Good book!
DeLongest one ��...
But honestly if you're looking for UFO information I wouldn't trust him he's a disinformation agent. Go look in the doctors Steven Greer and check out his new documentary coming out this week. Greer actually called out Tom Delong in an interview a few days ago saying is it agent of disinformation. He thinks he knows what he's talking about but he's in with the wrong people. This is that interview
If you want to real book on UFOs check this one out
I suggest you read Leslie Kean's book and/or watch this documentary. It probably won't change your mind but there are a lot of credible witnesses and credible evidence for the existence of UFOs. If they're extra terrestrial is a whole nother conversation though.
Probably not. He did after all write the foreword to a UFO book
As an aside: Check her last name. Coincidence? I think not!
If you like this article be sure to read her fantastic book compiling interviews of many government officials about ufo incidents: This book is a nice overview. It covers the most well known sightings and encounters.
Great book this subject here
This sub isn't ufo friendly but the linked book is worth reading.
No there is not, the 'nuclear disarm by ETs' hypothesis is pretty big because there have been quite a few testimonies made by people from the different governments all over the world, see:
This book is also good on the subject in general: UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
Also this Larry King talk show with 2 former air force officers about it is pretty good
2 that were really good: (The first is more evidential, with awesome credible contributors such as the governor of Arizona from the time of the Phoenix lights, and John Podesta - Obama's advisor until Hilary started her recent campaigning, also ex-chief of staff at the Whitehouse. The second is a free ebook you can read off of the author's website and is equally fascinating, while way more speculative and anecdotal in a lot of ways).
1) UFO's: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record - Leslie Keane
2) UFO's, Exopolitics and the New World Disorder - Ed Komarek
Amazon link to the first book -
Direct link to the second book in .pdf format -
I am of the persuasion that some, but but not all, are not created by human beings.
The physical evidence is real - and sure, you could tell me that people 'fake' evidence like dropping microspheres of magnetic filaments in increasing density from the center outwards, but people aren't recreating the immense weaves that seem to happen, plants literally woven, unbroken, into perfect hundred foot long immaculate patterns.
This with encoded mathematics such as pi, phi, squaring the circle, and in the OP: a unified physics model.
Some physical evidence - blown out nodes
I have also deeply studied the UFO phenomenon, and if you think that's all squared away, you're naive to the subject.
A great book on it is UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record
I know a comment on reddit won't have you reconsider your views on visitation, but if you're interested I hope you do your own digging.
Please, please check out this page to learn of the immense mathematical concepts that are encoded in many, many circles- I've linked to one, but the entire site is full of them.
Have you ever read this book?
Ugh, I just typed out a very long, nuanced reply that somehow got erased when I accidentally swiped the wrong way and navigated back a page. I'm not going to type it all out again right now. What you will see is the condensed and simplified version, which is inferior and incomplete but still should communicate my key points. Just keep that in mind as you read.
Suffice to say I agree with much of what you say, I do not discount the possibility of ETIs visiting the solar system, and I'm a big fan of Leslie Kean's book exploring some of these ideas.
Due to a combination of most observers generally being unreliable and a history of disinformation by various intelligence agencies (for whom UFO reports can be very useful for entirely mundane and earthbound reasons) most reports are simply not credible, and thus they are not subjected to rigorous followup investigation. Further, suitable research infrastructures do not presently exist within civilian/academic institutions to perform these investigations; there is very little impetus for established, well-regarded scientists (or those hoping to achieve that status someday) to devote any time at all to UFO investigations when there are so many other lines of inquiry that are so much more personally and professionally rewarding.
I do think, though, that most true believers in UFOs would do well to study up on and truly appreciate just how much energy appears to be required to send anything substantial traveling with any haste between the stars. There are, of course, various potential ways to get around that problem, and of course perhaps our conception of the physical limitations and underpinnings of our universe are so crude that we cannot presently see the full spectrum of possibilities for cosmic travel. But, assuming that our grasp of how the universe works is actually pretty good, if interstellar travel was as easy and common as many UFOs-as-ETIs folks suggest it is, then I think our night sky would look less like a dead and barren place and more like an industrial park. I think if interstellar travel were really that easy, and if other cosmic civilizations could so routinely marshal and control such large amounts of energy, we'd see much more abundant, clear, and irrefutable evidence of their activity than we presently do.
Anyway, I do want to believe. And as I said, I don't discount the possibility of ETIs in the solar system. It's something that is worth serious consideration -- the difficulty is in finding a good, robust way to meaningfully investigate it.
I talked a good bit about this on a recent edition of Coast to Coast AM. Maybe give that a listen just so I can save myself some typing! Very good question, thanks.
the government has tracked these for nearly a century and know they're under intelligent control. they have been tracked at nuclear sites, missile launches, bases, by pilots, all by credible military personnel, by astronauts, and for that entire time the government has treated the subject like a joke and acted like it's all fake and are only currently beginning to phase out that denial. this book is a good record of some of that:
i can tell you one thing, whatever this is is absolutely not any of the things you listed. i get it, you're conditioned to believe this is a big joke, but no one could look at the available evidence and come to that conclusion.
Of course UFO doesn't mean aliens in saucers but there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest there is a phenomenon of unidentified craft, behaving intelligently and from an unknown (as yet) origin.
Edit: Also u/Jimmy_No_Nose, I recommend this book by Leslie Kean for a no nonsense intro to some of the best sightings:
That's a real shame then. It's too bad that the term "conspiracy theorist" covers someone who is spreading facts. As I stated above, Phillip Corso's book is excellent (because of his credentials) but another good book is This book was written by one of the people involved with breaking the NYT story. Unacknowledged on Netflix is a great introductory resource too.
If you aren't aware of any of this information then you will become a victim of the MSM narrative without being aware of all the facts.
Thats a fair point. I guess my rebuttal is because there has been accounts of fighter pilots shooting at them. Why would they land? So people could kill them? Our population isn't ready yet- just look at the tribal mentality, race wars we have, just because people look slightly different. I just read this book: She interviews a ton of high up military people who discuss the topic. Also the author of the nyt's article
I've been reading sighting reports since i was a kid. 90% of them are bs but there are a bunch of solid cases involving police/military/pilots that can't be written off. Read that Leslie Kean book if you haven't already. I'll google that dude now, thx
No evidence if you don't look for it. Maybe google phoenix lights or do some reading?
The best evidence is obviously seeing one yourself, up close, so get off your ass, go outside and start looking, preferably in the UFO hotspots around the country like the Hudson Valley area.
The best documented evidence is presented in a recent book. There will be no doubt in your mind after reading this book: UFOs Generals Pilots and Government Officials.