Need help connecting Audioengine A2+ to Schiit Hel 2. My Schiit and macbook is connected to a CalDigit dock. The headphone output from the Schiit works fine, but the speakers aren't working. I used this Cable. Is this the right cable or perhaps I can't even connect the speakers this way? Speakers work when i connect directly to my macbook. Schiit manual says use 1/8 TRS to dual RCA which I assume is what that cable is. Thanks.
>ow would I connect the headphone jack to the tv? A male to male contact or...?
You need something like this Link
Are you using this type of cable to plug the computer into the Stereo Amp?
If not, then give us a link to the type of cable you are using?
The RCA ends of the Cables are Left Channel and Right Channel, not a ground.
So, I'm confused by this statement -
> "I plug the red wire into whether its left or right, it works completely fine. But whichever side I plug the negative wire into (white or black wire) doesn't work,..."
Can you tell use specifically what Brand and Model the Amp is and what Brand and Model the Speakers are?
Generally speakers won't work at all unless you have RED Red and Black Terminals connected, so I'm confused what you mean by the above statements?
Thanks. So i just need an adaptor like this?
Also if i go for the cheaper version I am hoping i can make use of my PC internal drive by connecting both to a wifi network? or do i still need an SD card.
Sorry, I didn't realize that it was RCA. In that case, here's one that might work better.
If you want to send a picture of the RCA side of the head unit, I'll confirm that it'll work.
Rca cable, also called a phono or even a coax though technically that's the type.
You want it to go into a standard 3.5mm headphone jack i assume so this sorta thing should do the trick...
Apologies for big link, on phone at the mo
Assuming your motherboard doesn't have RCA outputs, you would need one of these cables to make it work. And no, that won't be included with the amp. You'll have to get one separately.
The Z333 uses RCA inputs on the subwoofer and RCA outputs for the speakers. Here's what you do:
First, unplug the speakers from your PC and plug it into your phone or another media device. Make sure the issue is with the speakers and not your PC.
Since we know each speaker works, try swapping the RCA inputs around. Put the red cable (right channel) in the white hole (left channel). One of two things will happen:
If the left speaker didn't work before, but it does now (and vice versa), then you just need a new input cable. Ugreen makes a really nice cable.
If nothing changes (left still doesn't work), then the issue is with the audio output channel on the subwoofer itself. This can be difficult to repair without knowing what failed inside.
99% of the time, the issue is the input cable.
You might be able to use a 2 port TRS to 3.5mm jack cable, but I haven't tried that so don't quote me on it.
First things first, what are the settings you are using? The Main Mix knob should not go past 12 o'clock. If it does put it back to the 0. Your gain should be off or pretty close to off. And the "Mic" knob should fall between 2 and 5 o'clock. Those will be the settings with the best results.
To expand on what has been said already. You'll want to switch to analog asap, as mentioned by /u/flehrad, you'll need a cable like this. You plug the RCA (red and white) end into the "Main Mix" and the 3.5mm into the light blue port on your computer, if there isn't one use the microphone port.
The lineout on the Fulla is 3.5mm, so you would need a 3.5mm to RCA cable such as the one linked below as an example
If you bought a modi you would still need an RCA to RCA cable as Schiit does not include them (they do sell a short pair for $20 tho). Amps DO come with a power cable though so no need to worry about that.
IMO I like Vali2 more. It also gives you the ability to tweak and experiment with different tubes if you want down the line.
Vali 2 has all the features of Magni 2 Uber (pre-outs, nicer metal finish) for $20 more. However I realize it's $70 more than regular Magni, and if that's more than willing to spend Magni would be fine.
Again I just want to emphasize I haven't heard 400i on Fulla 2, so I cannot speculate on exactly how much of an improvement there will be.
Your sub definitely doesn't need an amp. What cable did you use to hook it up, it should be something like this. Also you should set your crossover probably around 70hz. Alo not to be captain obvious, but make sure your ipod's volume is up.
Thank you kindly! Very good advice.
Unfortunately, finding the Yumi's at $130 put them within my budget. The motherboard does attempt to isolate the components (they tout it, at least), so will definitely give this set up a go and judge the need to save up for an external DAC.
Looking now, seems like I'll just need one of these and I'm good to go (I have no idea what I'm doing... and am surprised I have gotten this far).
Thank you!
So the Vali still works? Before spending more money to replace everything or buy another DAC, I would try hooking your computer's audio up directly to the Vali. If he computer has just a single 3.5mm output, you will need a y splitter cable ( something like this) ), just connect it to the L/R "in" jacks on the Vali.
Ha, I didn't mean to scare you off. They're perfectly fine for everything. Recording is just their primary use. They sound incredible with anything you throw at them!
If that's all you're doing, ignore my original post and just get an 1/8" to RCA Red/White splitter and you're golden.
It'll still sound amazing regardless.
If you still think you messed up, look into the Klipsch Promedia 2.1's. Amazing set of speakers with enough bass to piss off your neighbors, and at a fraction of the cost of the KRK's. It's actually what I sold my KRK's for, because I wasn't doing as much music stuff, haha.
So you'd get an Aux-RCA cable, like this one, plug one end into the motherboard socket that's marked with the headphone / speaker symbol next to it, and the other end into the input marked either CD or video, taking care to match the left and right channel correctly. Remember to always start with the volume on the receiver turned down to zero; you can subsequently turn it up to the level that you want.
Amazon dropped the ball on the Dot.
You can hook it up to your Yamaha, but the 3.5mm jack outputs analog only - meaning it uses whatever cheap DAC (digital-analog converter) the $50 Dot has rather than the much better one in your dedicated AV receiver. You'll need a 3.5mm to RCA stereo cable to do this (3.5mm jack plugs into Echo, the L and R RCA jacks into receiver's Audio In). Something like this:
Or Bluetooth to send the digital signal to your YBA-11 bluetooth receiver (hooked up to receiver via digital coaxial IN), but Bluetooth is lossy compression and further degrades the quality of whatever you're playing (which is already likely lossy since you'll be streaming). Also a bummer it doesn't at least support Bluetooth AptX. Your Yahama YBA-11 bluetooth does support AptX, but Echo does not.
Just get a cheaper Chromecast Audio - it supports both analog(using 3.5mm or RCA and it's internal DAC like the Dot)... plus a digital out using S/PDIF - you'd connect it to the Optical Digital In connector on your AV receiver with a cable like this:
Plug something like this into your aux port .
Or the transmitter with a Y cable to your Receivers RCA inputs.
Why can’t you just plug the 3.5mm into the RCA inputs? Because you can’t take the two 3 pin XLRs that make up a balanced input and then plug a single ended source into them. But you can get a 3.5mm to RCA adapter and an RCA switch and thereby connect two things to your RCA inputs. End cost: $30 —unless you buy a switch that has more plugs.
(You can get RCA splitters if you don’t want to flick a switch, just be aware that splitters will cause one source to load voltage onto the other source and this will probably shorten the life of your sources and maybe even burn them out.)
You need something like this:
Hi, I've recently bought some HD6XX's and an ifi zen v2, along with these cables:
The issue I'm having is that regardless of whether or not this^ cable is plugged into my headphone jack on my PC, the audio seems to be coming through the included digital input cable that came with my ifi zen v2. I've tried updating drivers, changing the port the rca cables are plugged into, but so far I haven't come up with any solutions. Perhaps my cable is faulty? The HD6XX's are plugged into the included golden looking plug, which in turn is plugged into the unbalanced port on the dac. The only option given on the windows audio selection is as follows: Any help would be much appreciated
As the others say it doesn't make a huge amount of difference. I use this to connect my preamp to my Sonos. The build quality is decent and it looks better than some of the super cheap options, so that would be my recommendation.
The GSX1000 Is well known to not have a very powerful amp portion, but your experience with it's ability to mix surround to stereo has been noteworthy.
To your your Pioneer is all you need(probably the CD channel is a good choice.).
Or get a dedicated headphone amp, like a JDS Labs or Schiit or what ever... which you would still connect via the adapter I linked to.
It's nagging in my head that the GSX1000 should still be okay to power the 660s... maybe it's just not getting loud enough due to how windows is trying to send the sound; like with my laptop, it has eF'n amazing speakers, but are only whisper loud if a 5.1 video is playing, because of how the software is mixing it.
If you open control panel> sound> and playback devices when sound is playing, you'll notice the little sound bar light up based on how loud it is, if it's not bouncing near the top, it's not sending the signal very loud.
I'm using this type of adapter to run from my stereo's preamp to the Mac. I plug it in and "Line In" does not appear. This worked fine on my original MBP (ca 2009) running up through Mountain Lion. The option disappeared in Mavericks.
You can have 4 stereo inputs on that mixer.
Without the mixer you would need to link the 2nd PC audio by 3.5mm line out stereo jack to the 1st PC line in. Then you need to mix the audio on the fly before outputing to the DAC.
Stereo Mix may or may not be available for you, so you may have to find a 3rd party solution.
With the Mixer you would need
Wire both the the RCAs from the PC and DAC outputs into the 1st and 2nd inputs and the the female 3.5mm to the output of the mixer.
Then just set the levels.
If you don't already own this mixer I would go the software router 1st.
What is the "Y"-Cable doing?
It is simply connected to the 3.5mm Line Out plug on the back of the computer and feeding the Studio Monitors? Are you sure you are using a shielded or acceptable quality cable?
Or, is the "Y"-Cable SPLITTING the signal between the Headphones and the Studio Monitors?
You should have Line Out for the Studio Monitor on the back of the Computer, and Headphone out for the Headphones on the Front of the Computer.
Though not cheap, if you want USB (24-bit/192kHz) out (and In) of the computer with TWO Independent Headphone Amps, master volume control, and the ability to control TWO monitors, then take a look a the Mackie Big knob Studio --
At $200 it is not cheap, but you are getting a USB DAC which allows you to by pass the noise environment of the computer, you get TWO independent Headphone amps, you get a Master Volume control, and you can switch between two monitors.
Here is a video review -
Admittedly that doesn't directly address your question.
So, the Studio Monitors hiss very loudly when you are using the Headphones? It that the short version?
I'm not sure I can see a connection between the two unless you have some unusual wiring. The Headphone out of the front of the computer should be unrelated to the Line Out on the back of the computer. I'm not sure how they can interfere with each other?
Maybe someone else understands the problem better than I do will respond.
You have Beyer DT-900 or DT-990. I can't find any references to the DT-900, but the DT-990 are fairly common and at nearly $200 should be fantastic headphones.
Also, do the headphones have a Microphone on them or do you have a Microphone that you use for Gaming. If the Microphone and the Speakers are on at the same time, that sets up the possibility of a feedback loop.
I'm guessing I would need to buy the following with these, or would the cables be supplied:
I also notice that some of the reviews for the Wharefedale's say that they lack bass. Are there any better speakers I could get for a little more (I was considering saving for the 9.1's, but they're too big as I can only fit a depth of about 20CM)?
Also using this cable; by plugging the white and red end into projector then the aux/3.55mm/headphone end to the sound bar would work given the pictures.
Ok how do i connect this?
How do we know if its getting power?
Is this the same one?