“Ultum Nature Systems Controsoil is an aquarium soil from Japan made of high-quality natural soil and volcanic ash. Choosing a proper substrate is vital for any successful planted aquarium. This is not only for aquarium plants to flourish but also to buffer the water to optimum levels for certain fish and shrimp.
Controsoil by UNS will keep the pH of alkaline water below 7 which is ideal for keeping Caridina shrimp and most tropical fish.”
Great job starting out with a 10 gallon! I’d recommend UNS contrasoil extra fine as a substrate for a planted tank, as it tends to be quite easy to plant in. Because of the extra nutrients watch out for bad water parameters and make sure the tank is fully cycled before adding your fish. To check up on water parameters use the API liquid test kit. In terms of plants I would recommend stem plants like rotala and ludwigia, as well as epiphytes. Scape however you want but make sure to avoid anything with sharp edges or small spaces where your fish could get caught or rip a fin. For that reason I’d recommend a shortfin/plakat/female betta because they live longer and less prone injuries or diseases like fin rot. I like the Nicrew classic LED Bar light for lighting.